How to address Base Umpire out of position

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Jun 6, 2016
Was observing a travel game today, and the base umpire almost never went to "C" position. From what I could gather he'd only go there if there was a runner on third only. Never with 1st and 3rd or 2nd and 3rd. He'd stay in what I guess you'd call "B" position, but it was basically right behind second base.

His "C" position was also literally right next to the shortstop. They could've held hands. Any ball to her left and they would've collided.

Since I was an observer, I of course just watched and grumbled to myself, but it made me wonder what a coach should do in this situation. Do you talk to the plate umpire? Do you address the base umpire directly and ask him to please go where he's supposed to go? That seems like a bad idea.

The only time I've dealt with this at a high school game, the plate umpire was an experienced guy and the base umpire had no idea what she was doing. She stayed in "A" the whole game, and prior to the game she had a big attitude with both coaches and the other ump. When I asked the plate ump, he said he would handle the calls she wouldn't be able to make. I accepted that because it wasn't a good situation for anybody involved. At a travel tournament, I think it'd be a different scenario.
Jan 22, 2011
I would probably quietly say something to the tournament director or UIC to address it with the umpire, if quietly saying something to the plate umpire doesn't get them to address it. I know a couple times during the 5th inning or later of high school games this year I'd have a brain fade and forgotten to go back to the A position.

I'm the assignor/UIC for a tournament this weekend and it was a bit of a struggle to get all the umpire slots filled, and we are only doing two umpires for the championship and semifinals games. I was trying to be a nice guy to help another tournament get someone to do two games tomorrow for them, so an umpire didn't have to do five games. A friend as a favor to me changed his weekend plans to do two games for a tournament I'm not even the assignor for.
Jun 6, 2016
I would probably quietly say something to the tournament director or UIC to address it with the umpire, if quietly saying something to the plate umpire doesn't get them to address it. I know a couple times during the 5th inning or later of high school games this year I'd have a brain fade and forgotten to go back to the A position.

I'm the assignor/UIC for a tournament this weekend and it was a bit of a struggle to get all the umpire slots filled, and we are only doing two umpires for the championship and semifinals games. I was trying to be a nice guy to help another tournament get someone to do two games tomorrow for them, so an umpire didn't have to do five games. A friend as a favor to me changed his weekend plans to do two games for a tournament I'm not even the assignor for.

So it's not crossing any line to quietly (I'd wait until between innings) say something to the plate umpire? This is what felt like the right thing to do to me, too.

The plate umpire, if he somehow hadn't noticed, should want to correct this anyway. If his partner is out of position, it could lead to some calls that are difficult to make. And I assume it also messes up the rotations.
May 29, 2015
I worked with a new guy (2nd year) today who said the old guys he's been working with taught him NEVER go to B, just go straight to C. ?

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