How much do you film your DD

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Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
I video only occasionally. And it's only a few of those that I call her over to show her what she is doing vs what she should be doing. I have found that proper drills fix just about every issue.
May 27, 2013
I video my dd pitching only about once a month or so, just so see can see how much she is progressing since starting lessons.
Jun 24, 2013
I video all of my DD's Softball, Basketball and Volleyball games. I then turn the performances into DVD's that can be played in any DVD player. I do this for all of their schools bball games and give DVD's to the coaches so they can do film study. I have 3 computers (well actually 5, but who's counting?). I also video tryouts and certain aspects of the swings, throwing, pitching, etc. When my DD's were taking PC lessons, I would video those as well so that we could keep working on the feedback from the PC all week long, until the next lesson. I find that having the video helps show the girls/parents what we are looking for. They also can bring back some good memories.

While cleaning out the closet for Christmas I found a whole bunch of VHS, VHS-C and Mini DV tapes that I now have to convert to DVD to save them. We watched a couple of the baby ones the other day and it sure brought back some memories. We also watched the very first T-Ball games and it was a classic. Oldest DD hits and then runs straight to 2B. i mean straight, no trip to first, just right through the pitchers mound to second. Our league had a line that the ball had to cross before it was considered a hit, her didn't make it past it so she had to go hit again. She hit it to the outfield and ends up with a double anyways, so i guess she figured she would just save herself the trouble of all that extra running. Now getting her OFF of 2B proved to be a problem!

So if you don't do it for discovering how to fix problems, do it for the memories. They do grow up too fast.
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
Not enough. It can be very telling. I've thought some of my kids were whipping well until I got the camera out. Sometimes, even just showing the kids and asking what they see is all it takes.
Jul 2, 2013
I filmed my DD for every at bet when 12 playing baseball against the boys, and then followed in that fall playing softball with the girls. Best videos ever made for me.

Have not videoed since.

It is a valuable memory when the game was played by kids. Also valuable when she is having trouble hitting, for me to look at the old videos and see what she might be doing wrong. Her swing was so pure at 12 years old.
Mar 23, 2010
I try to take Ubersense video of every at bat, doesn't always work that way.
IF it's not working well, she'll ask to see them, otherwise I'll hand them over at hitting lessons for them to review together.
I make no attempt to analyze them myself.

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