How much do you film your DD

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Oct 10, 2011
How much do you all film your daughters throwing, hitting, or pitching? I grab the phone and tape her swing several times a week and occasionally tape her throw, but not very often. She used to hate it but kind of expects it now. I think I'm filming too much and will cut back because I'm overanalyzing everything. It's kind of funny that college coaches will tell her how pretty it is and I look at the video and am like "OMG we need to fix that!" I imagine many of you are the same.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
I video too much. Then I over analyze the video. So, though the hit 'results' were good, I will rip the hit apart. Seems, I'm looking for the perfect swing. I should relax and be happy with the results, more then how her finish was. I also find when I video game swings I miss seeing the 'result' of the hit. I'm looking and paying to much attention to the swing sequence that I don't get to see the ball flight on the field. I'm now more of focusing on tee swings and batting practice swings in real time. I've decided to sit down and let Laura just hit the ball. That's what it's supposed to be about.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
I video something about once every two weeks for analysis. It is really just more for me as a hobby and to check specific things we are working on. Sometimes I use it to settle things when we disagree on what she is/isn't doing. Sometimes she wins those BTW.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I videod every hitting session. Then I was getting too much into what we need to fix. Then I stopped, I had broken the tripod and just kept putting off getting a new one. Then last summer we realized we should have been videoing. Now I am videoing everything, but don't even look at half of them. I have to have the camera going though to be an arguement moderator. My dd, in the last month, responds to everything with, "no I didn't....nope...wasn't me". She could let go of the bat and could fly across the cage (exaggeration), and her response would be "I didn't let go."
Oct 10, 2011
I video something about once every two weeks for analysis. It is really just more for me as a hobby and to check specific things we are working on. Sometimes I use it to settle things when we disagree on what she is/isn't doing. Sometimes she wins those BTW.

Haha, we do the same thing. Now she agrees she doesn't bend her knees much so I put a large mirror in the garage for batting practice and put it low enough that she has to bend her knees in order to see her pretty good:)
Jul 16, 2013
I have to have the camera going though to be an arguement moderator. My dd, in the last month, responds to everything with, "no I didn't....nope...wasn't me". She could let go of the bat and could fly across the cage (exaggeration), and her response would be "I didn't let go."

I need to try that!!! My daughter is 14 so she obviously knows more about everything than I do :) I only video a few swings at a time and not every session. DD and I will watch the slow motion video and then pick one thing to work on. After working on it for a while, we will video again to see the progress. My fear is that I will over analyze all the video I take, therefore I try to limit it.

I have not done any video of her pitching yet, but plan to in the near future.
Jun 18, 2010
We video about every couple weeks pitching and hitting. I usually review the video to see if we are on the right track and to pick something specific to work on. I don't always share the video with DD, but when I do, I usually only comment on the good things, while keeping the things we want to work on to myself. I do this so that she does not think of video as a negative. I would suggest videoing practice and comparing it video of a game. DD has a bad habit of having great mechanics in practice then reverting back to old habits during the game.

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