How Fortunate Our Daughters are

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Pro-Staff Everything
Oct 5, 2009
At the Jewel in San Diego
Just had a guy come into my office right now. We were talking about baseball mostly. We were talking about how well the players from the Dominican Republic are. He said he went down there to do some scouting. Because of the poverty level down there. He saw the boys actually making gloves from cardboard boxes. Some rope and cardboard.Pretty amazing stuff . Just wanted to share.

Now that I heard of something like that, makes me wonder why do I have all this expensive stuff in my garage??
May 17, 2012
I tell my daughter that every practice, pitching, and hitting lesson should be like Christmas morning.

Not everyone can afford or is able to play softball at a high level.
Jun 11, 2013
We were just talking about that at practice last night. I remember playing little league as a kid and almost no one had their own bat and not one had their own helmet, catchers gear. And the kids that did have their own bat didn't spend 350 on it. I also think my Mom would have died laughing if I told her I needed a hitting coach when I was 9.
Jul 26, 2010
Every two years our local rec league recycles our gear. Bats, helmets, lost gloves, catchers gear, ect. We box it up and send it to a nonprofit in the Dominican Republic.



Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Always good to pay it forward. DD's forsaken CF3 and some other players' outgrown/under=used composites departed nationals for the Bahamas with a team that was swinging cheap, old metal.
Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
Thanks, WM, for getting some of us back on track. We really are fortunate to be able to give our kids quality gear and instruction and we need to be reminded of it from time to time.
Nov 26, 2010
Randall Simon ex mlb player said he learned how to hit with a stick and
Instead of a ball they used bottle caps because they curved so much. He also once answered a reporter who asked why he didn't walk much. "I grew up on an island and you don't get off an island by walking". Too bad he wasn't
a better player because be was a great interview
Jul 2, 2013
Furthermore, what most parents need to realize ... is that playing high level softball IS the reward for that day.

Get "rewarded" enough, and be good enough, and maybe, just maybe, someone will offer help toward college.

Way too many parents watch their DD play softball and focus on what someone else may offer in the future. It will happen if your DD wants it to happen, AND she is good enough. Please acknowledge the everyday gift of being able to play this wonderful game. It may, or may not lead to something financial, but should not be why you get up and go play each day.

Soak in every ounce of that days glory, and your life will be that much better.

Push, control, lament over whether she did everything right, or all the right calls were made correctly, and you reduce the amount of enjoyment that same amount, that day.
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