How do your players address you

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Oct 22, 2009
"Coach", "Coach Jo", "Coach Jojo", I don't like "Ms. Jo", and more often than not it's a long whiney, "Coach JOOOooooooo".

Sometimes I'll get a card or coloring page addressed to "Best coach in the world" and that is always acceptable.;)
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Most TB players know how to address coaches, but REC players are probably used to using first names.

Hmmm...that hasn't been my experience at all. Playing 8U and 10U rec, my DD and her teammates have always called their coaches "Coach" or "Coach _____". Even brand-new players get the hang of that pretty quickly. On the field, my DD will occasionally refer to me as "Coach Dad". Joking around, I have been called "Coach Maddie's Dad" a few times.

As for my own preferences, I like the players to call me "Coach" or "Coach Eric". I don't mind if parents just use my first name, but many of them call me "Coach". Away from the field (i.e. if DD has a teammate over to our house to play or a sleepover), I'm okay with being called by my first name by a player.
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
They call me by my first name. In their voice and with their tone, they are saying so AS THEIR COACH, with respect.
They know I am their coach, their words and voices shows that they truly believe that I am all in, I try as hard or harder than they do, to win and truly COMPETE with anyone. they listen, they play and practice hard.

They call me by my name.

so do the parents.

Some younger players sometimes, but I get called "coach" like "hey coach" more from buddies, and other coaches along with past players, than current players.

I also call my players by their names, not numbers. Sometime I call them by their position, that's when they might say, hey coach.

if you call them by their number there would be no answer, most do not know their number.
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Oct 10, 2013
My team calls me coach my first name. My daughter calls me coach fn....when we step out of the car at the field or practice facility I'm coach. When we get back to the car I'm dad.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Mine either call me Coach, Coach Mufasa or Mufasa. Mufasa started years ago in Rec when my DD kept calling Dad! Dad!. With 14 other 6-9 Yo in the dugout I thought it was someone else. DD and I had just watched Lion King the night before. Finally I heard her yell Mufasa! So I turned and looked. That's all it took. I was instantly Coach Mufasa or just Mufasa from then on. Needless to say it transferred to TB thanks to DD.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
To the point: got a emails from a couple of my 7th graders, one with no salutation, one starting off "Hey..." Had a very brief post-practice meeting about appropriate ways to address coaches, teachers, and adults in general. Told them about how they will be perceived vs how they would like to be perceived.
Mar 4, 2015
Western WA
I haven't thought about this yet... My high school kids I teach call me Miss C because they butcher my last name! I am the only coach so I think coach, coach C, or Miss C will be ok. I don't want them using my first name... DD's friend's call me Elayna's Mom! :p

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