How are you guys teaching side arm throws and the

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Sep 17, 2009
Softball-Junkie I love the passion and all the info! Tks! Extremely helpful (I sent you a private message to for your private videos, would welcome them).
Sep 17, 2009
Softball-Junkie (and anyone else). If you are going to do a rapid-paced, two-hour fielding workout, how would you have the girls warmup themselves and their arms? What should they do, and how long should it take?

Everyone uses the same jog, dynamic warmup, throwing lines/progressions as "warmup", are they necessary or best? -- in particular if you're going to go through tons of drills right after them....


Jul 8, 2015
Rich if you are talking practice I have a very specific progressive throwing routine that we use. When I get time to sit at a computer I will share it with you. It is not conventional.


Jul 8, 2015
We always do a dynamic warm up. The type of practice you are speaking up sounds like a cardio workout also.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England

Those are the two better ones that I have seen. I played middle infield myself and teaching infield and throwing is a passion of mine!

I like Cal Ripkens stuff also.

I don't like a lot of things Kobota teaches. That being said he has a ton of great stuff. If you look at his videos IMO he just doesn't put it all together, yes his footwork stuff is good but I really don't think he understands the second half, THE THROW. If you watch his girls they all have really bad throwing practices, they all push the ball, I think this is directly related to the fact that he thinks that if you get more momentum and a larger pop through that a strong arm is not needed. He has said it himself.

I agree with the momentum and gaining ground towards the target, however I simply don't agree with his just pull the arm back farther for longer throws theory. With as educated as he is on the footwork I think he really misses the bus with what he has going on in the core and the High Level Throwing Pattern is not there.

HK has always been responsive when I have spoke to him, What Im saying comes from him and its not just me making it up. He absolutely, to date does not focus on the arm.

I also do not like his footwork around 2nd base on DP pivot throws. HK definitely has its uses! His stuff is great for getting a team a lot of work, but it takes a lot of buckets and a lot of help!

My top youtubers would be.

Jager Sports has a great throwing routine and focuses on the pull down stage that many coaches have ZERO CLUE ABOUT! I have done this for years as well! IT WORKS

Tony Medina, he seems to kind of put it all together but he gives no instruction, Watch and learn! I like what he does because I have done t all before and I understand exactly what hes doing, If you need instruction maybe not the guy for you!

Trosky baseball is ok

Billy Ripken and The Ripken Way

Coach Buck with the Sports DVD channel

Mike Candrea, but I don't fully agree with everything he says! Who can argue his results? Buuut when he coached he had the best talent in the WORLD!

blpplayerdevelopment Major League Info... I like a lot of this guys information also

Of course Rick Pauly is great.

I know ill take heat for this but that's ok. Yes I know I haven't coached at UCLA. These are a list of you tubers I despise, Not them personally but what they teach.

Sue Enquist, Her throwing has to simply be the worst of all time, She is dated IMO! Successful but dated. Obviously she has some good stuff too! She wouldn't win jack today with what shes been teaching.

Trent Monegro with winning baseball. I guess he has some ok stuff but for the most part I don't like it!

YouGoPro is pretty bad stuff.

Whoever the guys are at DNA sports are the worst I have ever seen, their attitude sucks and they are utterly clueless in every single form of teaching this game!

Kent Murphy IMO should stop his cussing while targeting kids. Hey boys and girls and then cusses up a storm. No likey!

I am posting the worst video on youtube IMO!

I am interested in others opinions! These are just my opinions!

Austin Wasserman is surprisingly and noticeably absent from your reference list!

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