How are you guys teaching side arm throws and the

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Jul 8, 2015
Different arm patterns. I have a couple ways I'm teaching it. Im wondering how you guys are teaching this.
Dec 4, 2013
I had this discussion with a former head coach of Hofstra. I think it can be taught as simply as instructing the player to tilt their shoulders...
Jun 7, 2013
I've never done anything formal. I just demonstrate the throw. Have them do it and correct if necessary.

In some ways, I think that its easier to teach throwing sidearm than overhand.
Sep 17, 2009
Girls stand 10 feet apart. Each throw is different arm angle/release point starting high and moving down to where ball is touching the ground. Then back up again. Show how to turn the hand over rather than under. Fix other problems.

Rampage I'd be curious what you do, and any other fundamental defensive mechanics drills/work you use...getting ready for winter indoors :)
Sep 17, 2009
Thanks for the Tony Medina reference. We've used Kobota as well. Anyone else have videos/DVDs they like for individual defense drill/rep work, infield and OF?
Sep 29, 2014
In general I don't think there is a real need to teach a side arm throw, I would not want girls getting in the habit of throwing side arm when they can make a good "normal" throw. You can teach it but make sure girls know when they should use this type of throw.

There is a time and place for it; one of the best plays I've seen my DD make was a surprise two strike bunt while she was playing back at 3B she charged full speed bare handed the ball and never popped up but stayed down and low let it go side arm it was the only way she had a chance to make the play. But most of the time there is time to set your feet get under the ball and make good strong throw.

It also depends what exactly you mean by side arm most of the time a charging infielder on the left side has a slightly different "normal" arm angle it is more 3/4 if you will because there is not time to stand up completely (but that does not mean not setting your feet and using good technique).
Sep 29, 2014
100% Disagree, If they don't work then how can they become good at it. It is 100% a needed skill for infielders without a doubt! You will not magically be able to do it!

Of course there is a time and place for it that goes without saying. And you contradict yourself in your post! You say its not necessary then you give examples of why it is! And you can set your feet and still take the shorter path of sidearm or up hill throws!

I understand it seems contradictory but my thought is lining up the team in a line a 3B a teaching everyone for 10 or 15 mins to charge the ball stay low and throw off one foot is not going to be a benefit for 80% of the team.

I get it for left side infielders and maybe on second thought everyone could be taught early in the season so they know proper technique but the only people getting reps at practice should be 3B and SS.

Again though there is a difference between staying low and compact and throwing 3/4 after getting a good stance so you can get those quick slappers and truly throwing side arm.

I just don't want the whole team throwing at crazy sidearm angles after "being taught" how; it should be an exception not the rule.

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