Hijacked Ads are an infection to this website...

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Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
I get about 2 minutes on my cell if I'm lucky then give up. It bums me because new people to the site will be turned off by the nuisance and never return...

Josh Greer

DFP Vendor
Jul 31, 2013
Central Missouri
I get about 2 minutes on my cell if I'm lucky then give up. It bums me because new people to the site will be turned off by the nuisance and never return...

We track this site's activity (among other forums and all kinds of other non-related things) is a means of forecasting our sales. For the most part, in the last 4-5 years, when the activity here starts to settle down in mid/end-summer, our sales do as well. That is one of the rare times when most of the regions (East, South, Mid-West, and West) share a break between seasons. This is the first year that the activity drop on this site missed the mark; meaning, we were still increasing sales when activity here was decreasing. Now, forecasting not an exact science, and one year is certainly not a trend. But my semi-educated guess is that folks are leaving for one reason or another; I blame the "ad grab". If the ads were intended to be a source of revenue to support the site, it seems to me that it is having the opposite effect.

Chris Delorit

Apr 24, 2016
Green Bay, WI
The add-on uBlock is available for either Firefox or Chrome. It's lighter than most others and should allow quicker browsing. Brave is another browser with a built-in ad blocker. Clear your cookies and you should be ad free.

Last edited:
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
Really bummed this hasn't been resolved. Tried getting on with the iPhone and was immediately redirected... Tapatalk is not a good alternative. I no longer reference this site to perspective viewers. Worried that this is the beginning of the end for yet another truly great softball resource.
Jan 22, 2011
Yeah.... about 3 months ago my work computer was discovered by IT to be the source of strange traffic on the network. Cause was DFP website.

Chris Delorit

Apr 24, 2016
Green Bay, WI
Hi Ken,

Tapatalk is a targeted ad machine. It's privacy policy identifies it's data collection and usage. It's compounding your issue.

A simple browser and ad-blocker with cookie cache deletion on browser exit will make your softball lifestyle ad-free. ;)

Browser = Firefox/Fennec w/uBlock add-on or Brave browser utilizing it's built-in ad-blocker & cookie control mechanism.

Jun 8, 2016
Yeah.... about 3 months ago my work computer was discovered by IT to be the source of strange traffic on the network. Cause was DFP website.

Was it tor traffic because my IT guys have found that on my machine, which is running linux, and I cannot for the life of me figure out where it can be coming from.
May 18, 2009
Congratulations you just won a $100 Amazon gift card. That’s the one that tends to come up on my IPhone

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