Help this dad out!

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Aug 28, 2013
Houston, Texas
I read a lot of the post on here, but have never posted anything other than a few comments. What is the easiest way to post a video on one of the forums? I attempted to add a YouTube URL but unfortunately, it didn't take it (not sure why).

I'm looking for some help with my daughters swing.

Jun 24, 2013
Also, make sure it is a public video on YouTube.

If you post the actual YouTube link in this thread someone will rembedded for you and let you know what was wrong or if it was just User error.
Aug 28, 2013
Houston, Texas
Thank you both. I'm pretty certain it is a user error (I'm horrible at this). The YouTube video is set to public, but for whatever reason, when I try to input the URL and upload it, it doesn't allow me to. I guess I could just attach the YouTube link to a new thread?!?

8u Softball Swing - YouTube

The video isn't very long, but as a single dad who works alone with her most of the time, it's kind of difficult to get some videos. She just turned 8, and has only been playing for 5 months. She tried out for a Select team this summer (in Texas) and made it. We've been practicing pretty hard since.
Jun 24, 2013
Hit the video ICON, the film ICON 3rd from the right.

Paste in your URL. (8u Softball Swing - YouTube) "", without the quotes.

Type in a least 10 characters before or after you hit the video ICON, like ... "Do you have any suggestions on drills my DD can work on to improve her swing?"

Hit Post Quick Reply button.

(Since the link works OK, if you start a thread for your DD hitting I will embedded it for you)
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2013
Houston, Texas
Thanks, James. I appreciate your help. I went ahead and started a new thread and posted the original URL. I think I did it right....

Hopefully I'll get the hang of this soon.

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