Growth spurts

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Jan 28, 2011
My 13 year old dd grew 6 inches in about 8 months. She couldn't even pitch the ball to home plate after being able to pitch 54-56. This lasted about a year. she could "K" the ball about 50mph, but get the rest of her body involved and it wouldn't be anywhere near the plate. Very frustrating for her. Almost gave up pitching totally. She is now 15, 6'2" and is hitting 60+. Everyone may have different result when going through a growth spurt but I do feel sorry for the girls that it affects negatively. We always hear just wait til she grows into her body but everyone expects a tall pitcher to throw hard now!
Jun 12, 2015
I don't know that mine will end up 6'2" but she's consistently around the 97th percentile for her age. I'm 5'9.5", though her dad is not much taller than I am. I expect she'll be around 5'10" & she does seem to grow in rapid spurts. Guess we'll see how it affects her...
Jan 23, 2014
My daughter grew a lot between the fall and spring of her first year of 10u. Add to that wasting time(only a couple of months before I realized something was wrong and found This website) with a coach who was trying to teach her Hello Elbow when she was naturally doing IR(like everyone does) and a coach who screwed with her head, it was not a great season. It took her a couple of months for her brain and body to connect again. By the next fall she was back to her usual self.
Aug 20, 2013
I think where I've seen the most struggle is hitting. DD still fields great but hitting - oh my goodness. WHEN she gets ahold of the ball it goes! But getting ahold of it is another story! I would be worried but it seems like everyone else on DD's team has had the same problem. DD is just the smallest and slowest growing of the bunch.

My 12yo is the exact opposite. Beast with the bat but still struggling with her fielding.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
From what I hear, growth spurts can be a much bigger problem in track and field, all the way into college. Sometimes a skinny girl has the perfect body type for some event, then she fills out and is slower for whatever distance.

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