Going from Pitching to Catching

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Jul 24, 2013
N. California
Hey all-
My 10u DD is one of the better pitchers in her league and transitioning to 12u playing fall ball. She wants to try being a catcher. She has caught very sparingly throughout her short softball career because she's been such a dominant pitcher. She'll be 11 in September, 5'2" 120 pounds. I told her that it would be a great experience so that she could see from the catcher's perspective. She's worked so hard to get where she's at now pitchingwise. Should I be worried? What things should I tell her about how catching may affect her pitching in a game in relief? Leg fatigue? Injuries? Or am I being just a paranoid dad?

Jun 24, 2013
I do not know if you had stealing home at your 10U but my DD pitching has more of a chance being hurt then the C. She gets banged around and run over some games.
Jul 24, 2013
N. California
This season was the first time our league implemented stealing home. Yeah, my DD got banged around also as pitcher. Had to keep reminding her how to properly set up her feet at home plate so she didn't get a knee taken out.
Jun 22, 2008
Keep in mind pitching and catching are the 2 most physically demanding positions on the field. If your daughter has just caught most of the game in the heat will she physically be able to pitch and vice versa.
Jun 24, 2013
Worth a try, just not long term. I too have been in situations where my DD's were the best pitcher and the best catcher on the team, at the same time. If #1 is throwing and #2 is catching, they won't be very effective if they need to relieve each other. I do think it is a good experience for them and one DD may actually want to change to catcher, she has such zip on her ball I don't blame her, but we will see. She is currently the #2 P on the team, so we owuld have to pick up some more P's for that to happen.
I too agree that getting experience on both ends of the spectrum helps understand the position.
May 13, 2012
I have always thought that every pitcher should catch at least one game to see what their wild pitchs are like and everthing they and others put a catcher thru and what she has to do. I also think that everyone should somehow be put under the pressure that a pitcher has. This might stop the "I don't understand why she can't throw a strike" from some team mates.
Nov 26, 2010
My dd played 16u this past year and she still pitched and caught, sometimes in the same game. It can be done, but as she gets older she better be in shape. As a matter of fact the #1 catcher on our TB team also pitched, so if my dd was pitching this other girl was catching and when the catcher came out from behind the plate to pitch my dd caught her.

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