Gaby 7 yo. 9 months ago as a righty and switched to lefty about 7 months ago.

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Dec 2, 2019

She was getting tired, this was about 100 swings in. One of her big issues is rushing her set up. When she takes her time and gets her hands and feet in the right position she is a much more consistent hitter.
Oct 2, 2017

She was getting tired, this was about 100 swings in. One of her big issues is rushing her set up. When she takes her time and gets her hands and feet in the right position she is a much more consistent hitter.

Imalt take it from me as I'm speaking from experience. She looks great! Leave her alone. At this age. Lol Don't try and fix anything other than at most try to teach her slow & early to explode for tempo. Just my opinion though!
Nov 30, 2018
Marikina, Philippines
julray gets credit, it was the immediate thing I saw. I think her bat is a little heavy. "Tail wagging the dog!" So I think there are the first 3 who posted who all saw that.

I forgot, clemenslee1 gets credit for this. I also second clemenslee1, for her age, she is doing terrific. I have 16 year olds who have excellent kinesthetic-awareness. They know what their back foot is doing as they do it. I have 18 year olds who only getting there in the maturity process. Your daughter is amazing for her age, and her skill and technic level is quite advanced. One of the first things I looked for was whether or not her elbows were coming together; her arm frame collapsing. I can't see that happening. Nor is her front elbow collapsing to her side as she meets the ball. I am very impressed. Future star!
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Dec 2, 2019
Her bat is too big. She did use a 28 15 that bat is a 29 17. She used a teammate's 29 and decided she liked the longer bat. Our 8u travel season doesn't really kick in until spring, so hopefully she grows into by then. I let her do her own thing for the most part now. She almost quit last winter because I was pushing her too hard. Now I let her do things at her pace.
Oct 26, 2019
A 29 is big for her at that age. A 28 may be too big still honestly. More problems are created by the bigger bat than a too small bat - so err on the too small side
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