Fall Exhibition Games

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Nov 19, 2020
Gearing up to send my daughter off to college for the first time and we see the Fall Schedule is listed on the website. A bunch of 10 inning exhibitions. What are these normally like? Worth flying across the country to attend one against a top 25 team? (The majority are against JUCOs and I am not going to travel for that). Are the games generally a standard "game"? Or do they have situational scenarios (start with runners on-base/ begin with 1-1 count etc)? Should I expect them to "bat the roster"?
Dec 2, 2013
Gearing up to send my daughter off to college for the first time and we see the Fall Schedule is listed on the website. A bunch of 10 inning exhibitions. What are these normally like? Worth flying across the country to attend one against a top 25 team? (The majority are against JUCOs and I am not going to travel for that). Are the games generally a standard "game"? Or do they have situational scenarios (start with runners on-base/ begin with 1-1 count etc)? Should I expect them to "bat the roster"?
They are all different. If you want to take your DD to dinner and spend some time with her (home game) that is why you go. At that point in the season, her life will not be what she thought it would be(good or bad) and could use your support and friendly face. She will be learning to juggle academics, Strength & Conditioning, practices, softball, teammates, coaches, new town, etc.
I recommend doing a Sunday before dinner facetime check in. This will be her time to vent, share good stuff, bad stuff, weird stuff, team dynamics, etc.
Nov 19, 2020
thank you, @Orange Socks .
I feel that you have some feelings on this college experience that may expose some of the underbelly of the sport.
We are all ears but anticipating a gauntlet of sweat, sacrifice and hard work to play D1.
Dec 2, 2013
thank you, @Orange Socks .
I feel that you have some feelings on this college experience that may expose some of the underbelly of the sport.
We are all ears but anticipating a gauntlet of sweat, sacrifice and hard work to play D1.
There are lots of folks on this forum that could share their stories and stories from others. Just look at all the kids that enter the portal every year.

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