Do the "unwritten rules" of baseball apply to softball?

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Oct 3, 2009
I posted in the pitching forum a scenario. And on our way to her strength training, I posed the following question to my DD: "Do the "unwritten" rules of baseball apply to softball? She said emphatically yes. And she added that is not my opinion that is "how the game is played". I asked her just for fun to write down her "unwritten rules". She said she would tonight. In the meantime I would be interested in others thoughts on this topic.

So I ask you: "Do the "unwritten" rules of baseball apply to softball"? If so what are they?
Last edited:
Jul 2, 2013
If you are punishing an opponent, consider stepping off the base bag for outs. Stop stealing bases.

Do target the infielders who play to close in. Torch it their way.

Do play small ball to infielders too far back.

Respect the umpires. Sure briefly call out mistakes and drop it. It will be returned in key moments of the game later.

The strike zone is always different from ump to ump. As long as it is consistent for both sides, focus on adjusting your play, insteads of focusing on the ump.

Great teams do not slow their play to a crawl, ahead late in a game. There is a right way and wrong way, and is easy to tell the difference.

The catcher should be friendly to the ump. Have her ask where the pitches need to be.

Do cheer loudly, but positively. Leave the junk at home.
Jun 29, 2013
I'm really interested to hear what others say on this, too. Based on only what I've seen over four-five years in rec ball (tee ball through 10u), and considering I've never coached above t-ball, I'll say that the unwritten rules re: sportsmanship are sorely lacking sometimes. I see teams in rec ball where it is mathematically impossible for them to lose (max. of 4 or 5 runs per inning, up by 10, with 10 minutes left in game time) still running on every passed ball, stealing at will against over-matched players, and (worst of all IMO) bringing back a #1 starter to close out a game. Just my opinion, but the unwritten rules I learned all told me to do the opposite in a one-sided game (e.g., stop taking the extra base, get a pitcher who needs the experience of a game situation rather than your ace, and don't steal when the game is out of hand). The excuse I hear is a variation of "we don't want the girls developing bad habits," but the real reason I've often thought is that some of the rec ball coaches don't coach sportsmanship, or don't trust their girls ability to recognize the situation. This is not something I see with every coach, just always the same ones who also seem to be the ones who are great with kids who are already good players, but not so good with girls who need development.
Apr 11, 2012
One always sticks out, never make the first or last out at third base!

aahh....that's just a third base coach's "note to self".....and not really an "unwritten rule" for safe play....which means sometimes its not about matter what the score is....sometimes its about proving your team isn't going to take any crap from the other team....I have been in several brawls in college and semi-pro / colligant leagues and they always steemed from stealing bases and bunting with big or late comfortable leads, very slow home run trots, malicious comments from the dugout or players on the bases, taking practice swings just outside the batters box instead on the on-deck cirlce, throwing up and in to the best hitter or a pitcher.....fake tags without the ball, pointing at an opponent when mad, taunting comments from a coaching staff or players....etc.

none of it transposes (or should) to girls A level softball and after 300+ games in the last three years, have never seen a "bean-ball war"....99% of the players have had perfect sportsmanship in my experiences....I have only seen a couple of players within the last two years do or say something pretty parents and coaches?....thats a different story.

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