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Apr 28, 2014
I've made just about every mistake a parent could make on this journey but one thing my wife and I did that we think is pretty cool and wanted to share is that we set up an email address for DD when she played her first softball game.
DD has no idea that it's exists even now that she's 13.
We send emails to this box on import occasions (first strike out, win, no hitter, bad loss etc,). We email the account when she tried out for teams and didn't make them. We send pics of her teams and coaches email addresses. We shared how proud we were that she tried her best. This tryout season she made both of her dream teams and she struggled to make the decesion on where to go.
It was hard for her to leave her friends but she told me that some choices are hard but with time they pay off. I felt that important to include in an email.
With so many ups and downs we've been tempted to share some of these emails but resisted the urge.
On her 18th birthday we plan to give her the address and password.

Thought it's a good idea and wanted to share.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I've made just about every mistake a parent could make on this journey but one thing my wife and I did that we think is pretty cool and wanted to share is that we set up an email address for DD when she played her first softball game.
DD has no idea that it's exists even now that she's 13.
We send emails to this box on import occasions (first strike out, win, no hitter, bad loss etc,). We email the account when she tried out for teams and didn't make them. We send pics of her teams and coaches email addresses. We shared how proud we were that she tried her best. This tryout season she made both of her dream teams and she struggled to make the decesion on where to go.
It was hard for her to leave her friends but she told me that some choices are hard but with time they pay off. I felt that important to include in an email.
With so many ups and downs we've been tempted to share some of these emails but resisted the urge.
On her 18th birthday we plan to give her the address and password.

Thought it's a good idea and wanted to share.

We did kind of the same thing. BBSoftball is a part of her email address. She rarely uses it but did use if for recruiting. So, she has all of the correspondence she made back then still on the email in folders. You took it much further than we did and so, WHAT A GREAT IDEA!
Nov 29, 2009
I sorta did something similar. I took pictures and more pictures and more pictures from the time she was young all the way through college. I have thousands of them. I took them of my DD and her teammates.

I really like the idea of giving her the account when she turns 18. What may be even more significant is if you waited until she was done with her HS ball. Then give her the account depending on her birthday.
Dec 7, 2011
Hmmm - email - How long do Google & AOL etc commit to saving your email records? - maybe I should have went down this path.

I did a variant where I owned all the data. Sophomore year I started a yearly MSWord "scrapbook" for DD - each year right after the holidays I would create each years record. (I wish I would have started this back when she joined her first real travel team...). These are huge files with all the pics & graphics. I know she is going to be thrilled to have this later in life. I totally recommend this with this phase in life going by so fast and furious.

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