DD hit in the face.

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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
It is a good thing. The boys baseball team supports the girls and the girls support the boys. Why is that not a good thing? The boys, when there not playing, comes to the girls games. Did I miss something. The Boys comes to the girls games when there not playing. Hmmmmm how is that not good??? Maybe you thought I mean when the girls are not playing. I guess I should had worded a little different.

No Joe, it was fine the first time, LOL! You're reading too much into my comment! I was just thinking that they grow up so quickly - and I want my DD to always be my little girl and suspect that I will have to learn and accept that she might be some boy's/man's object of admiration or affection - whether she's 12, 18, or 30!

PS Lord help me if PC was the only one who understood the nature of my initial comment!
Last edited:
Sep 18, 2011
No Joe, it was fine the first time, LOL! You're reading too much into my comment! I was just thinking that they grow up so quickly - and I want my DD to always be my little girl and suspect that I will have to learn and accept that she might be some boy's/man's object of admiration or affection - whether she's 12, 18, or 30!

As the father of a 14 year old who is suddenly interested in co-ed activities like "ballroom dancing," I definitely got your meaning and thought it was hilarious! :)
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Sorry if you've already answered this today...but hows the jaw a week after?

It's getting better James, thanks for asking. Still a tad swollen, and about a 4 on the pain scale ( 10 the highest ). She "says" it's too sore still for the mask, guess the chin guard irritates it. She did play last night, just DP.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
It's getting better James, thanks for asking. Still a tad swollen, and about a 4 on the pain scale ( 10 the highest ). She "says" it's too sore still for the mask, guess the chin guard irritates it. She did play last night, just DP.

Are your HS players required to wear a batting helmet w/ a face guard? If not, do some still use one?

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