Daughter taken out in middle of inning?

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Mar 22, 2010
Maybe the coach just doesn't like your dd and your dd doesn't like the coach. I don't like every kid on the team, some of them are jerks and those kids don't like me because I'm a jerk. That is fine, thats life. Not every coach is right, just like not every kid is right.

Well I don't know if you are a jerk or not but it think some of it is that the head coach doesn't like me. And that's fine. I dated her nephew in high school when I was 16 years old and when we were dating she was soo nice to me and then we broke up and she's never spoke to me again. I WAS 16!! What did she think I would do marry him? Anyway she is and odd person anyway and maybe it is that she doesn't like my daughter. But regardless of liking or not my daughter has not struck out once this season (now that doesn't mean she's always gotten on base) and has had several rbi's and has made at least 3 double plays so like her or not she's helping you to win your games. There are 19 kids on this team and my daughter has started almost every game as a 7th grader so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I just thought it was wrong that she did that in middle of inning. And another thing that someone suggested is that she plays travel with a lot of the girls we were playing against. Maybe the coach thought she was not giving it her all cause it was her future teammates. ?? Who knows? I guess you just have to learn to roll with the punches.
Well I don't know if you are a jerk or not but it think some of it is that the head coach doesn't like me. And that's fine. I dated her nephew in high school when I was 16 years old and when we were dating she was soo nice to me and then we broke up and she's never spoke to me again. I WAS 16!! What did she think I would do marry him? Anyway she is and odd person anyway and maybe it is that she doesn't like my daughter. But regardless of liking or not my daughter has not struck out once this season (now that doesn't mean she's always gotten on base) and has had several rbi's and has made at least 3 double plays so like her or not she's helping you to win your games. There are 19 kids on this team and my daughter has started almost every game as a 7th grader so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I just thought it was wrong that she did that in middle of inning. And another thing that someone suggested is that she plays travel with a lot of the girls we were playing against. Maybe the coach thought she was not giving it her all cause it was her future teammates. ?? Who knows? I guess you just have to learn to roll with the punches.

Well at least we know a little more background now...the biggest thing that jumps out at me is not any personal issues the coach might have with you but 19 girls on a team...WoW. She starts every game, I would just be thankful she is getting any playing time at all, with so many kids on the team.
Feb 22, 2013
Nineteen kids on a MS softball team would be a nightmare for a coach to try to manage and keep all of the kids and parents happy. MS is usually about giving every kid an opportunity to play regardless of talent, drive or fundamentals. When my daughter played MS ball they didn't cut any kids. If someone went out for sports in MS, they were guaranteed a spot on the team and everyone played. Was anyone cut from the MS team?

Most of us who have played MS and High School sports and have children who have played MS and High School sports know that sports aren't always fair. There are things that can be controlled by the athlete, like working hard and having a good attitude, and there are things that can't be controlled by the athlete. Things that can't be controlled are height, quickness, speed, mom or dad working in the school district, coach's daughter or sister on the team, coach having played with another teammate's mom during her glory days and her daughter playing in front of your daughter. We could start a list of things several pages long that, we as parents, have seen in MS and HS sports that weren't fair. Heck, in MS and HS half of the parents of the athletes are rooting for your daughter to fail so that their daughter can have an opportunity to play.

My daughter pitches year around in Softball. Her goal is to be the best pitcher on the team. She may not be able to control when she pitches, but she will be able to control how she pitches if given an opportunity. I've encouraged my daughter to give her best effort, have a good attitude and thank those who give her opportunities to play. During the travel ball season, she has an opportunity to pitch every weekend. On the weekends that her travel team takes a weekend off, she has always been invited to play for other teams. Some of her best friends in the softball community are girls that she played with as a pickup player. These girls almost always cheer for her at other tournaments.
Mar 22, 2010
Yes there were like maybe 5 cut from the team and yes I can only imagine what it's like trying to keep that many parents happy. My husband coaches my youngest daughters league team and has for years so I know how hard it is. And yes I am very blessed and thankful that she had started and played every game we've played this season and so far (knock on wood) are undefeated and have had a big spread with the exception of a couple of teams. But no the coach does not do much subbing at all. The girls that play are the girls that play most of the whole game. She might sub in one or two in the last inning but that's about it. We have been winning 18-1 and she kept our best pitcher in when we have 5 pitchers and didn't sub in but one or two. My daughter is a catcher and I never expected her to catch this year and she has let her catch in a double header where our 8th grade catcher was worn out and she caught for a game during a tourney we played in. So yes I know at least mine has gotten to play because i'm sure there are a lot of parents who are waiting on mine to be pulled so theirs can go in. My only thing was that my daughter likes to be told what she did wrong so that she can correct it and being pulled and nothing really explained to her just made her really question herself. I know I shouldn't complain cause yes I have it better than most but being a hard core travel player mom just brings out all the "whys" in me. LOL But like I said I'll roll with what we're given and move on and if she doesn't see the field again for middle school she's played more than most kids have played all season. We only have 4 games left and then it's off to travel ball we go. :)
May 25, 2010
Well I don't know if you are a jerk or not but it think some of it is that the head coach doesn't like me. And that's fine. I dated her nephew in high school when I was 16 years old and when we were dating she was soo nice to me and then we broke up and she's never spoke to me again. I WAS 16!! What did she think I would do marry him? Anyway she is and odd person anyway and maybe it is that she doesn't like my daughter.
**snarky response about playing to small-town stereotypes withheld**

It would indeed be unfortunate if the coach dislikes you because you were part of a failed teenage relationship 20 years ago. But on the one hand, I have to admit that it would be pretty funny if that is the case. Coaches can be very petty, so I do believe you when you say that old relationship might very well be a trigger for this person.

The overriding opinion here is that a MS coach who pulls a player mid-inning is usually in the wrong. Keep supporting your daughter and encouraging her to play in a manner that will have coaches wanting her on the field as much as possible. This incident sucked, but do your part to turn it into something that makes her tougher instead of allowing her to be bitter or broken as a result.
IMO It would take a pretty grievous mistake to make me pull a player mid-inning.
Ironic though, Tuesday night in our game, our first tow hits were in the vicinity of first base. The player there barely moved on either one of them. After the second one, the coaches called time and pulled her from the game.

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