Barely Any At Bats

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Jul 6, 2021
My 11 year old daughter in 12U has been with this team for a few months now. She is a pitcher and first baseman. She usually gets to pitch one full game during friendlies (3 games) and maybe play a few innings playing first.

But in 3 games, she is lucky if she gets 1 at bat. And while she may not be getting on base everytime during her at bats, she rarely strikes out. I texted her coach asking what she could do to earn more at bats, but the coach never responds to me, which is even more frustrating. Her coach's dad is the owner of the organization, and my daughter actually takes hitting lessons from her dad. So I can't understand why they do this. My daughter is getting frustrated and discouraged to practice her hitting when she knows she won't get any at bats. And I'm annoyed to pay dues when nothing comes of it.

And to top it off, yesterday they had 3 games, and 3 new girls that are trying out were playing with us, and they all got at least 4 to 6 at bats while my daughter only got her 1. How is this even okay?

Has anyone else gone through something similar to this? I don't know what other steps to take especially when the coach doesn't even care to respond to me.
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Mar 22, 2010
I'll let the regulars chime in but for me it's inexcusable and you need to find a team once this is over where she will get at bats and have the opportunity to grow. I assume you paid up for the season? You need to talk to the dad since you have access to him.
Jul 6, 2021
Yeah, we are paid for the season. And it was pricey. I just really don't want her to start hating the sport because she isn't getting adequate time.
Jun 20, 2015
1 thing that leaps to my mind is hitting coach is telling his daughter that player X isn't ready to face live pitching? BUT if that's true, somebody needs to sack up and tell the parents that.
Jul 6, 2021
Maybe, but I doubt he is. Her lessons go really well. She has a lot of power but when you rarely get at bats, it's hard to get better.

They definitely don't do roster batting, which I cannot understand why. Tournaments I understand playing top 9, but not getting at bats in friendlies is frustrating. Especially during this past weekend when I saw girls trying out getting 4 to 6 at bats while my daughter got 1.
Jul 6, 2021
I just texted the owner asking what my daughter can do to earn more at bats. And I let him know that she usually only gets about 1 at bat per weekend. He responded saying he would look into it and get back to me. Not sure what that means, but I guess we shall see.
Jun 20, 2015
lots of variables and coaches see things differently. HOWEVER, 12u, and especially friendlies, really need to roster bat. (or not bat all the best hitters and force more reps to the girls needing most work). For cripes sake, if you cannot improve your team and lose a 'friendly" to better the entire team, what is that person doing coaching???

I'm coaching year 5 of very competitive 18u ball and can count the number of times on 1 hand where we have not roster batted.

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