Baby it's cold outside

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Nov 26, 2010
DD's team is playing in Kentucky this weekend. It's been a cold spring in Michigan so the girls have been hoping for warmer temps in KY. DD texts me that for the first game this morning it was 21 wind chill. Missed watching her toss a one hitter, but didn't miss sitting in the cold

What's the coldest game you ever sat through. Ours was a HS football game. Dd was in the band and the team was playing in the state semi finals (won the state that year) the game temp was in the teens and there were 20+ mph winds. By halftime the only band instruments working were the drums. The band literally hummed the half time show.
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Down here in Texas about 6 years ago, we had to be at the fields before the crack of dawn. There was ice on cars/windshields...I think it was in upper teens. The fields were crunchy with ice, and the dugouts had heaters on each end. A lot of the girls cried after each AB because hitting the balls hurt their hands so badly. That was stupid cold for us, and the tournament should have been delayed until the ice melted and the sun warmed up the fields more. I think we lost...I don't recall because that memory is frozen. LOL
May 7, 2008
IL. can have some cold drizzle going on, but the coldest I have ever been was when DD played HS ball in FlagstaffAZ. Playing at an elevation of 7,000 feet, games were routine, in the 30s.

It rained during my games last night, but Tucson, AZ. can't compare to some of the colder places in the U.S.
Nov 26, 2010
Dd reports that there was a period of snow during the second game. They were playing a team from Florida. Those girls were not prepared for the cold. But felt that the snow made it worthwhile. At least they have s story.


Gear Empress
Mar 10, 2016
Just behind home plate
We had our game for today cancelled due to snow and cold. We were supposed to play today the school that blew us out at their place last month. But that isn't the coldest game we've sat through. The coldest game we sat through was a state playoff football game that my brother played in, in November a couple of years ago. It was 15 degrees out with a 15 mph wind that made it feel like it was 10 to 15 below out. I could picture people in Alaska looking down on us saying "wussies".
Jun 12, 2015
We've played in the low 30s before. I'll take that over July and August games any day though. Humid and 95+ degrees is pure misery.
Oct 2, 2015
In NW MN, they cancelled the JV tournament for today.
20* this morning to 35*F now, but a 30 mph wind.
They cancelled the tournament because no one has any aluminum bats...:D or so I was told...
Our teams still haven't played a league game outdoors in MN yet.

Coldest game ever?...Football or winter sports like CC skiing...pretty dang cold.
Is ice fishing a sport?:D

The coldest windchill temps I've been in, in NW MN is -100*F, 2 times.
Once in '78, I think, and the other in '96. That'll freeze your eyeballs in a hurry.
That was before NOAA changed the wind chill calculations in 2001.
Right now there are a ton of Robins outside my office window in our yard looking for seriously, it's funnier than heck watchin' them hop around in the yard lookin' for worms that are saying, "not a chance I'm goin' out today!"
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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
The coldest game I've ever sat through was an NFL game that was 4 degrees outside with a windchill temp of -15. We had to go into the heated bathrooms just to unthaw for a few minutes every quarter...not to actually use them.

I think the coldest my TB team ever played in was 18 degrees in a Halloween tourney. We had the 8 a.m. game and it was cold. Luckily DW went out to Dick's and bought toe warmers and hand warmers for the girls like you'd use in snow skiing boots and mittens. It helped but it was still miserable. Right after the game, everyone piled into the cars and warmed up. The only reason the tournament wasn't canceled is it turned into a sunny and 50 degree day later on. They should have at least postponed the earlier games though.
Dec 19, 2012
1982 Bengals / Chargers playoff game. I think the temp was -5F and the wind chill was -45F. The wind never stopped! My dad had our car in the garage and had the battery taken out and a plug in oil dip stick in the crankcase with a blanket over the motor. We put the battery back in the car and put the regular dip stick back in and the car started righht up. I wore earmuffs, full knitted mask, shirts, sweatshirts, longjohns, sweatpants, jeans, gloves AND mittens, electric socks and hiking boots and I was still frezzing my a$$ off. I was never more happy than when my dad said, "F it, they're gonna win. Let's go.". We had to walk about 7 city blocks into the wind to get to the car and I remember it barely starting. I remember when I was home my entire body felt like pins and needles. It literally hurt for hours.
Mar 1, 2015
We've played in the low 30s before. I'll take that over July and August games any day though. Humid and 95+ degrees is pure misery.

This times 1,000. I can plan and pack for cold weather and make sure I'm warm and my DD is too. I can't make myself cooler or my DD cooler when it hits 95, aside from bringing a portable AC unit to the field. Last week we had a few parents moaning about the weather and all irritated. And they had on light jackets, or even no jacket at all but wrapped in a blanket someone else had in their car. And their kids either had short sleeves or thin sleeves for our 9:00AM games when it was in the 40s with the wind blowing about 15mph fairly steady. One of the parents who was complaining about the cold said "but it's was in the 70s last week." I just nodded and said "yep" as I was wearing a medium weight down jacket with a winter hat and gloves on for the first few hours Sat, and my DD was wearing a cold gear UA shirt with a few hot hands in her back pockets. Never a word from her complaining about the cold. I was fine, could have spent all weekend watching in those temps. It got a little warmer, but the wind kept blowing all day so it never felt real warm.

How hard is it to look at the forecast and plan accordingly? Seriously, what seems like common sense is severely lacking for someone who is going to be outdoors for 10 hours. Just like I don't show up at a tournament in July when it's 95* without a cooler with lots of ice, bottles of water and a few frog togs. :confused:
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