Appropriate sanction?

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Interesting three cents worth (inflation):
I would not pursue any criminal/juvenile court issues unless your daughter required medical treatment,
The name of the girl who through the punch should be on your coach's copy of the batting order,
Let the school and its administrators handle any punishment, sanctions, etc.

I have seen some very aggressive/over the top behavior over the years. Never seen this, but I have seen deliberate acts that resulted in injury.
On the other hand I know a coach that was recently threatened with a Warrant, because a daughter was hit (in the ankle) with a pitch.
Let the Administrators, coaches and officials handle this.
Oct 7, 2009
I'm not making any criminal report. I'm not contacting the school, the AHSAA, the other girl's school, my AD, etc. I'll let the "system" (whoever that is) determine where this goes.

I will say this though, I'm a bit disturbed that some people would excuse the conduct (based mostly, I think, on my occupation). If it was their daughter who got punched, i think they would understand the upset and frustration. My girls have played ball for a long time, and I have never seen this kind of action by an athlete.
May 10, 2010
I would not pursue criminal action either. I would hope the sanctions at home would be worse than a $300 dollar fine and 1 game suspension. I would also hope the offending school had other sanctions in mind considering it was a school related activity.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
First, sorry your DD got hurt.

These things are hard to comment correctly on because of no "proof" like a video or footage. I'm not saying in this case, but sometimes there are two sides of the story and view points.

2 years ago my DD was pitching, runner on 3b, pass ball. DD runs up to cover "home" and the catcher flips her the ball. DD turns around fast with possession ( ready for the tag ) and catches the runner in the throat area ( runner is starting to slide ). BAM, runner is out cold unconscious.

Now I knew and anyone who knew my kid would know, knocking the girl out was unintentional. It was just a bang bang play.

BUT, the fans/coaches on the opposing team yelled and screamed for 5 mins that she intentionally threw her elbow to hit this girl in the throat. ( I guess to keep the run from scoring? )

And yes, the girl's mom was going nuts. After some time, the girl woke up and was ok. A little dizzy, but fine. Before the game resumed I walked over to the fence and "tried" to oppologize for the incident, but the mom was still belligerent. I understand her emotions were high, any parent's would be when your kid gets hurt.

Long story short, what looks deliberate to one person might not look deliberate to another. I'd be cautious about how far to press this issue without being 110% sure. Good luck.
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Nov 26, 2010
An automatic one-game suspension following an ejection seems appropriate.

If additional sanctions are in order, there needs to be a process where more information can be considered and where decisions are not made in the heat of the moment.

As described, I don't see this as a criminal assault, however, it's not entirely out of line to consider a possible civil claim against the parents if this was a completely unprovoked attack.

Civil claims? What's the damage?
I got the name of the girl. My wife wants me to talk to the prosecutor at juvenile court about possible charges, but I'm leaning toward just letting it go and let the AHSAA do its thing.

Bad parent note:

When she hit my daughter, my daughter started crying and dropped the ball and her glove. Instead of asking if she was OK, I started yelling for her to pick up the live ball. In my defense, I didn't know she was unable to breathe at the time.

I think this bad parent note seals the deal for me, your first thought was not "OH she hit my daughter" it was "OH she dropped the ball". Let's assume were are in a situation where there is a collision say at the plate then the girl from the on deck circle comes over and punches the catcher in the we have a completely different story because nobody will assume or could make the argument it was during the course of play and I might be inclined to think about going after the girl and making sure she never plays again this season and gets a visit from a law enforcement official who explains to her what the definition and punishment for assault is (although I would never support charges being filed).

Just seems that while the one game is automatic maybe they could look at a few more games since it appeared flagrant, but overall I probably would not pursue it any further.
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Jul 19, 2008
If it happened as stated and she did hit the 1st baseman with his fist in the throat, at the very least she should not be allowed to play in any school sports for a year and have to give a written apology to the other girl and parents. A good warnign that if it ever happens again she wont be allowed to participate in any school sports the rest of her time in school. I cant believe anyone would think this behavior is ok and just a simple ejection is good enough. If my daughter ever did something like that, she wouldnt have to wait for the school to pull her out of sports for a year. I realy dont see how a hand could get to another players neckat a play at first base any other way but intentional. Using your arms or hands in an attempt to cushion a collision, yes, but a hand should never be near the head or neck in that situation.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
... at the very least she should not be allowed to play in any school sports for a year and have to give a written apology to the other girl and parents. ...

Then, my DD would hand each of you a written apology asking for forgiveness and leniency.

Not sure how making someone write an apology is worth anything. If I'm a parent (or the victim), I don't want a forced apology. And as the parent of the perpetrator,I wouldn't let her play sports again until she genuinely wanted to write an apology.

And no, Amy, I don't think you're overreacting. Just questioning this one intervention tactic.

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