Anyone familiar with Denny Tincher and his 'fluid dynamics' pitching style?

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Oct 9, 2012
I heard about Denny from a parent in my daughters travel ball organization. I am a former college pitcher and was interested to see what he was all about. I have to say I was more than blown away by him and his approach to pitching. It was very different from the way I pitched but the more I listened the more I feel in love with it. He was able to take my daughter to a level in one lesson that I was not able to take her to in years of coaching her. My daughter is pitching better than ever and never has any pain. She used to always complain about arm pain and back pain. I never thought much about it because I had the same pain when I pitched. I just thought it was normal and would tell her to be tough. Man was I wrong! She has no pain now and is pitching better than ever. I would highly recommend Denny Tincher and his style. Sadly we do not live close enough to Denny to get lessons with him alot but we see one of his trainers in our area and its been working out great!
Oct 9, 2012
This, like any other online forum, gets a lot of spam from people trying to hock their wares. Perhaps a better way to introduce yourselves (or self) to the forum would be to start a discussion about particular techniques or doing some compare and contrast on pitcher styles and such.

No one likes to be marketed to.


Me personally, I'm more of a believer than a marketer. Do you know Denny? Ever spent extensive time talking with him? Very interesting guy with a great following.
Jan 25, 2011
I heard about Denny from a parent in my daughters travel ball organization. I am a former college pitcher and was interested to see what he was all about. I have to say I was more than blown away by him and his approach to pitching. It was very different from the way I pitched but the more I listened the more I feel in love with it. He was able to take my daughter to a level in one lesson that I was not able to take her to in years of coaching her. My daughter is pitching better than ever and never has any pain. She used to always complain about arm pain and back pain. I never thought much about it because I had the same pain when I pitched. I just thought it was normal and would tell her to be tough. Man was I wrong! She has no pain now and is pitching better than ever. I would highly recommend Denny Tincher and his style. Sadly we do not live close enough to Denny to get lessons with him alot but we see one of his trainers in our area and its been working out great!
okay this is getting annoying. I'am a parent of a daughter that plays TB and I heard about Bill Hillhouse and ever since my dd started going to him. She has improved so much, she doesn't complain about having pain at all. She use to go to a PC locally and I tought I was doing allright for my dd. Until Bill Hillhouse became her PC. I would highly recommend Bill Hillhouse and I live real close to him. Hows that sound softballmomma?
Jan 24, 2011
Maybe this would be an opportunity to look at both Hillhouse and Tincher and compare styles. We could take a look at similarities , differences , etc and discuss ? Maybe a good way for these "new" posters to get more involved in the site
Oct 9, 2012
I have looked at Denny and what he teaches years ago and liked what I saw. It was inline with what I saw as the correct way to pitch.

My daughter and I have been with him for a couple of years, and what's pretty cool is that he has new thoughts and new form ideas every other month. It's sort of a fun evolution to be a part of. He's already changed 3-4 things that he taught her last year so it's never boring, that's for sure. He approaches many girls differently. He evaluates their natural strengths and tendencies, then sort of customizes which pitches to learn based on those things. Anyway...Gotta go! Too much time away from work. hahaha
Apr 25, 2010
Maybe this would be an opportunity to look at both Hillhouse and Tincher and compare styles. We could take a look at similarities , differences , etc and discuss ? Maybe a good way for these "new" posters to get more involved in the site

I would post video of my DD pitching, she is a Hillhouse student, but the only video I have of her is where she is working on a particular issue, so it's pretty
Oct 9, 2012
okay this is getting annoying. I'am a parent of a daughter that plays TB and I heard about Bill Hillhouse and ever since my dd started going to him. She has improved so much, she doesn't complain about having pain at all. She use to go to a PC locally and I tought I was doing allright for my dd. Until Bill Hillhouse became her PC. I would highly recommend Bill Hillhouse and I live real close to him. Hows that sound softballmomma?

I came in this room to talk about my experience with Denny Tincher. I think there are many good coaches, and one great one. But i all fairness, I've only seen Bill's online vids and have never met him. Again...there's room for any coach who's advancing the game. Signing off..
Jan 25, 2011
Maybe this would be an opportunity to look at both Hillhouse and Tincher and compare styles. We could take a look at similarities , differences , etc and discuss ? Maybe a good way for these "new" posters to get more involved in the site
You know the only reason I find this thread to be interesting is that it sounds like they are marketing us all. But if you look at the stlyes look the same, except the leg kick.
Jan 24, 2011
You know the only reason I find this thread to be interesting is that it sounds like they are marketing us all. But if you look at the stlyes look the same, except the leg kick.

I agree that there is definitely some marketing going on here , but it has peaked my interest (and my DD isnt a pitcher). I am just a coach trying to learn more about pitching. I had no idea who Hillhouse was before I came to this site. But , I have now watched a lot of videos and read a ton of threads. Now with Tincher being introduced by others , I would like to compare.
Jan 27, 2010
To the noobies, you will soon discover that many on this forum think there are only two people that know how to properly teach young girls the proper form and mechanics.
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