Anyone ever go on an International playing tour?

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Jan 27, 2010
A local HS coach is advertizing for players to go to Italy for 9 days where you play 2 games in Milan, Rome and Tuscanny against local club teams. You also tour the local sites in between. It sounds like a fun trip and you get to play softball.

I wonder if they are pretty good teams or does one side get schallacked every game.
May 10, 2010
My dd was asked,but turned it down. Kinda would of blown our whole TB budget. I researched it and the trip is legit, but the competetion was ok at best. The people who put this together make a profit and the trip was about $4000 per player and did not include airfare to JFK for group departure. Just for grins I checked what it would be to book a similar trip on my own and it was considerably cheaper. That said I wish I had the money to do it mainly for the expierence more than the softball.
Jan 27, 2010
Hmmm, I sent DD 1 to Italy for 10 days with school and it was about 2200 for everything. They did not play softball but toured extensively.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
WHen my DD was 13 we did a similar tour in Italy with Deb Hartwig and Susie Parra as our guides.
It was an 18U team and my DD was the youngest at 13. We started out in Milan and played for the weekend of games. Then we went sight seeing to Rome, Florence and Venice with a quick trip to Lake Como. Then we went to Genoa for the last weekend of games.
It was a great trip. We won every game. The Italian teams were so nice most players being late teens and early twenties.
If you can afford it GO.
Nov 5, 2009
St. Louis MO
We went with my DD summer of 2012. All high school girls. 3 teams with Leah O'Brien Amico, Dot Richardson and Dalton Ruer as coaches. Played in Milan, Verona and Rome, toured these cities and Florence. Fabulous trip. Some of the teams were good, others only okay, but the experience was fantastic. One US team went 6-0, another 3-3, not sure of the 3rd's record. One of the players on the Rome team played on the Italian National team. Well worth it if you can afford it. The post game parties are hosted by the local teams.
Jan 27, 2010
After posting this and reading some of the responses it does sound rather interesting. DW was all over this idea since she has been wanting to go to Italy. She will go to games when I'm unavailable but prefers to be one and done. I think I'll email the coach and inquire further.

It would probably make for a funny reality or sitcom from the Italian perspective. He comes the next group of softball players from the US that think they are going to sweep everything. Throw in a few brothers to woo the American girls for added drama.


Feb 20, 2012
Sounds like a great chance to travel abroad and play against international competition. If you don't mind paying a premium for someone else organizing the trip then go for it! If you want to watch your $$$, then play TB here and schedule the trip yourself!
Jul 26, 2010
Neighbor's kid made the Jr. National Filipino Soccer team and toured abroad with them this summer and had a great experience playing all over Asia. I'm not sure that's the same thing though.


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