another pet peeve

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Dec 13, 2019
Richard Simmons aerobics?? ?
Hey at least if Richard Simmons was teaching the class would have been enjoying some laughter while clapping kicking and jumping around.

Aerobics is agility at the same time as
(some sort of ?)


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Dec 13, 2019
True story... that includes the danger of training even in aerobics.

In college one of our pitchers always wanted to prove that she could also be a hitter and then promptly crushed her thumb trying to bunt at practice. Which resulted in surgery which after the surgery she still wanted to participate trying to stay healthy and was doing aerobics and did not let her thumb heal correctly
( swirling hand around at all different angles repeatedly) and they had to reset it second surgery.
May 27, 2013
"six AM weights four days a week, then individual and team practice six days a week just prior to the season."

IMO, that's over kill. I think it falls into the category of "this is how we always have done it." Would rather see more time spent on speed and agility.

While it seems like a lot, I have to say that I noticed a dramatic change in DD’s pitching performance her senior HS year after she worked all fall/winter with a personal trainer. She actually was much less sore after pitching full games and her velocity appeared to last late into games. I attribute that to balancing out her muscles and strengthening her core through weight-training.

When she came back from college over winter break, she looked extremely fit. Her college team did weights 3x/week all fall/winter with speed/agility 2x/week. She did not bulk up (probably impossible for dd due to her build) but definitely looked much more toned. Pitching-wise her pitches definitely had more zip to them.

I think the combo of weight-training and speed/agility is important for athletes to be their “best-selves” athletically.

ETA: I am only referring to HS/college players.
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Jan 10, 2022
Long Island NY
my DD team for the winter is doing 1 day practice (2 hrs) + pitchers and catchers only (1 hr). they do Parisi Speed School another day for an hour. i would not say she is getting bigger, but she is getting in better shape and condition. She is already a bit noticeably stronger.
Aug 23, 2016

I started a whole thread about my annoyance about young player's use of Social Media to show how hard they are working. I get that they are trying to attract attention from recruiters but tbh I don't know how productive it is. IMO they should all take a page from Joe Burrow: "Work in Silence"
There's a kid who used to play in DD's rec league who was posting every pitching and hitting lesson, every workout, every time she threw a bullpen with her dad, just to show how hard she's working. All I saw from that is that her form for lunges was terrible, her swing was loopy, and her arm circle slowed so much for her changeup that any decent hitter would have recognized the pitch before the ball ever left her hand.

I kept thinking, this kid is trying to show how hard she works, but her videos only show how much work she still needs to do.
Dec 10, 2015
Chautauqua County
Wasserman's YoungBlood conditioning program works very well. As for The Grind, I see no reason to sugar coat it. It is what it is and the rewards are what they are. It's what separates the wheat from the chaff.

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