another pet peeve

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May 20, 2015
sorry if this one has been hit

i cannot stand the use of the word "grind"

every player, trainer, coach, travel org on social media over uses the word grind.....monday practice "back to the grind!", up at 5am at the gym ("grindin'!")......if it's a GRIND then it's "hard, dull work" should be doing something because you love it, even if it isn't always easy.......but i just cannot stand the connotation grind brings to the table, and how often it is being used today

and you kids, get off my lawn!
Jun 8, 2016
sorry if this one has been hit

i cannot stand the use of the word "grind"

every player, trainer, coach, travel org on social media over uses the word grind.....monday practice "back to the grind!", up at 5am at the gym ("grindin'!")......if it's a GRIND then it's "hard, dull work" should be doing something because you love it, even if it isn't always easy.......but i just cannot stand the connotation grind brings to the table, and how often it is being used today

and you kids, get off my lawn!

I started a whole thread about my annoyance about young player's use of Social Media to show how hard they are working. I get that they are trying to attract attention from recruiters but tbh I don't know how productive it is. IMO they should all take a page from Joe Burrow: "Work in Silence"
May 20, 2015

I started a whole thread about my annoyance about young player's use of Social Media to show how hard they are working. I get that they are trying to attract attention from recruiters but tbh I don't know how productive it is. IMO they should all take a page from Joe Burrow: "Work in Silence"

i love the hard work many put two finally got into lifting, even though it is on their own and not with an expensive trainer, because single dad teacher salary.....but if it's a grind, it doesn't seem like fun

the whole social media recruiting tool is evolving....based on how many 75mph exit speeds i see out of 2027's, and how much poor lifting technique and how much other nonsense i see shared, as much as it can attract attention, it also appears to be a LOT more nonsense someone has to wade through........if anything it seems to be a way for coaches to figure out who they don't want than who they do want haha


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
The variously attributed saying "youth is wasted on the young" is usually true. A common human failing is to not appreciate where you are in the moment, especially when you're younger. When DD was in 16U I started telling her as we pulled out of the driveway, "enjoy every minute of every tournament as if it were your last because, some day, it will be".

I can understand how players, in the moment, could view college or even HS sports as something of a chore ("grind"). In fact, I do see it. At DD's school...six AM weights four days a week, then individual and team practice six days a week just prior to the season. A colder climate means some long trips to tournaments in warmer places. I can see how that could get old, and can't quite see how some keep up with a full college class load while climbing onto a bus early Thursday and not getting back to the dorm until very late on Sunday. Lather, rinse, repeat for three weeks until you get a home game.

When you're 20, you have no understanding just how quickly it will be a memory. It's easy for that 20 year-old to not realize how many of us "more experienced" people would crawl over hot coals to be in that position again.
May 20, 2015
it's not just the kids, though

coaches and programs are using grind as part of their slogans and messages to their players, and i think it sends the wrong message

agreed that young is wasted on the young......but words matter, and it's almost like that's the attitude we are fostering in them.....adults can and will take all of the fun out of something lol...."no swimming at tournaments", over specialization at a young age, etc.....this needs to change
Apr 20, 2018
"six AM weights four days a week, then individual and team practice six days a week just prior to the season."

IMO, that's over kill. I think it falls into the category of "this is how we always have done it." Would rather see more time spent on speed and agility. Or even vision and mental training. There are100 lbs.10and 12-year old's hitting it 200 feet. Strength is not usually a problem. We are not playing football and they don't give extra runs for hitting the ball 300 feet. I am not saying there is no value in lifting but think its overdone.
And who is supervising the weight training. I personally know of 3 individuals that have had season ending injuries in the weight room. Players doing dead lifts with poor mechanics are prone to injury.
Jun 8, 2016
"six AM weights four days a week, then individual and team practice six days a week just prior to the season."

IMO, that's over kill. I think it falls into the category of "this is how we always have done it." Would rather see more time spent on speed and agility. Or even vision and mental training. There are100 lbs.10and 12-year old's hitting it 200 feet. Strength is not usually a problem. We are not playing football and they don't give extra runs for hitting the ball 300 feet. I am not saying there is no value in lifting but think its overdone.
And who is supervising the weight training. I personally know of 3 individuals that have had season ending injuries in the weight room. Players doing dead lifts with poor mechanics are prone to injury.
This is how old I am. We didn't even have team lifting in college. We had a fitness test before the season which you had to pass in order to practice which consisted of a sprint test, having to run a mile in 6 minutes or less, doing a certain amount of dips and benching a certain amount more than you did the year You were on your own and if you didn't pass a certain thing you had to keep doing it BEFORE 6 am practice until you passed..
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Our conditioning was mandatory aerobics class.

We still did Sprints and running at practice

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