All-Star Game at CO Sparkler Jr

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Apr 26, 2015
DD received an email today inviting her to play in the Sparkler Jr All Star Game.
It costs $160...I'm not concerned about her "being seen". She is playing 1st yr 14s while still 12U eligible.
Is it worth the money for the "experience"?
Oct 1, 2014
My DD's got those email invites today too. We did it a couple years ago and honestly it was kind of a circus. They didn't have coaches for one of the teams so a coach from our org did it. Then they announced that they had my twins mixed up so roughly 2 minutes before game time they had to switch. DD (catcher) who had been warming up a great pitcher from TX and hanging out with one team now had to find a different field and ended up catching a kid from her own local team that year (who couldn't hit the side of a barn if she was inside with the door closed). DD (pitcher) had about 2 minutes to warm up and then go into the game. We had also paid for the game video which didn't happen. Triple Crown was actually very nice about the whole thing but....... And this year's All Star game is down in C Springs, why? Worth it? Not for us that year for sure but YMMV.
Apr 26, 2015
Thanks for the info...I appreciate any advice.
I think for 14U most of the Sparkler Jr will be in CO Sprngs - thought I heard that somewhere? Could be mistaken though....
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
It's a money grab. They send that invite to all the players signed up to play in the tourney and your DD may only get 1 inning in the game depending on how many other players pay to play.
Sep 24, 2013
Team coaches nominate the all star players guys and yes its a money grab. its not a recruiting tool but rather a pride thing. Ive had players in it for years and rarely see any college coaches "recruiting" from this event. They might be there but they don't recruit off it
Dec 6, 2016
Is it different if your daughter is in the power pool and is nominated? I ask this because she was picked for the all-star game (14U) and her game will be played in Denver, not Colorado Springs. Will more coaches attend the game since it is based on players in the power pool? Just curious because this is a first for us and i'd love to get her as much exposure as possible.
Nov 18, 2013
DD played in the all-star game at the Sparkler at 16U. Players were nominated by their coaches. They have about 20 different all-star games so if they’re willing to pay, they’re in. This would have been four years ago and I think the price was around $100 for the game and a video. I knew it was a money grab and the more prestigious tourneys were the Firecracker & Independence Day. I figured we were already dumping a couple grand to go out there, what’s another hundred bucks. DD played four innings, two at 3B and two pitching. I think they batted roster.

If I had it to do over I’d sign her up again. They played in one of the main complexes on the nice fields. Most of the players had their teams and all their teams families watching so the crowd was pretty big. She had a great time so from that aspect it was worth it. She had a few coaches following her and the all-star game gave them another opportunity to see her play. She talked to a couple coaches beforehand and they were at her game so it even panned out for recruiting. However it’s not the type of event coaches will attend to discover players so don’t plan on getting noticed. It’s for fun and nothing more.
Dec 2, 2013
DD's experience was not good, but I would not blame it on TCS. DD was scheduled to play the last game of the evening which I remember was supposed to be at 7pm. We had to be at the fields at 5:30 for check in and warm ups. Her team was having a practice and at 4:30 we decide to leave early to get there with plenty of time. By the time we left the field the biggest hail storm gulley washer started. Hail piling up everywhere, flooding ensued. You might remember the Co Rockies game that was delayed because of all the hail on the field last year. Well we were driving through it. We get to the field and see that the fields were cleared and games were postponed. Okay no problem. The field crew did an amazing job of getting the fields in playing shape. Games started back up. Looks like we are two games behind. It's 8pm now.

Now it's past 10pm. DD is now practicing in the outfield area and I can't visually find her. Ahh there she is. Sitting down in CF with her back against the fence. Well I can't go out on the field to see what is going on so I have to walk around the outside of the fence. Come to find out a pitcher from our area that she was warming up with didn't see that she was bending over to pick up her catcher's mask and POW right in the eye. Black eye! Of course, no one tries to come find me and she's icing her eye. The coaches told her to sit there. WTH. Get your butt and warm up. Now it's pretty late and then I hear some grumblings from the parents that sitting around. I hear that they decide not to cancel the last game of the night and they will give us a partial refund. The game would have started at 12am and with early games in the morning, that could prove problematic. We leave 11:45pm. What a complete waste of time, and the kid wakes up the next morning with a swollen shut eye. Luckily that day was on off day for the team.

Our team is playing in the IDT so no all star game this year.

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