acceptable or not

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Nov 19, 2015
Is it acceptable to ask a coach, either tb or hs, what they can do to help a player reach the next level? How can they help in the recruiting process? DD is a freshman in hs and started playing tb at age 8. She plays 18u travel ball and started on her hs varsity team. We have been told by coaches and parents of college players that she has the ability to play at the next level. We are very realistic that not many players reach the college level and know very little about the recruiting process. Just looking for sincere advice.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I think it is acceptable. IMO, both should be doing their best to help their players. They need to be absolutely honest with you and your dd during this process.
Nov 18, 2013
Lots of recruiting threads on here with great advice. Chances are your HS coach won't be connected with many college coaches, but it never hurts to ask. As for travel ball, it's surprising the coach hasn't already brought that up. A TB coach can help, but be sure to educate yourself and take ownership of the process.

It's flattering that others have talked to you about your DD's college potential. I'd suggest getting her to some camps so u can see for yourself. Find out which kids the coaches are paying the most attention to and assess how your DD matches up. Check out a mix of D1, D2, etc to see where she best fits and it also gives her a chance to see what size school she likes.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Is it acceptable to ask a coach, either tb or hs, what they can do to help a player reach the next level?

Sure...but, don't expect to get any good advice. Most TB and HS coaches don't have a clue about what it takes to play in college. There are exceptions, of course...Cannonball being one of the exceptions. But, coaches like him are few and far between.

If your DD wants to play college ball, she needs to go to camps with the college coaches. She needs to go to college softball games. She needs to talk to college players and find out what it takes.

If you live in a metropolitan area with hitting coaches/pitching coaches, she needs to go there and start working.

Is she a pitcher, a catcher, outfielder or infielder?

Every position has different requirements.

How can they help in the recruiting process?

You're under the illusion that someone is going to do the recruiting work for you. They aren't.

If your DD wants to play college ball, it is up to her and you to figure this out. Go get the book, "Preparing to Play Softball at the Collegiate Level" by Cathy Aradi. Here is a link: Book Information (I know Cathy. She is a great person. She has been doing this for more than 20 years. No one knows more about the recruiting process than her.)

Make a list of college your DD might be interested in. Go see the coaches and talk to them. Find out from them "what it takes".
Dec 19, 2012
Is it acceptable to ask a coach, either tb or hs, what they can do to help a player reach the next level? How can they help in the recruiting process? DD is a freshman in hs and started playing tb at age 8. She plays 18u travel ball and started on her hs varsity team. We have been told by coaches and parents of college players that she has the ability to play at the next level. We are very realistic that not many players reach the college level and know very little about the recruiting process. Just looking for sincere advice.

1. Playing TB since the age of 8 and starting varsity as a freshman means absolutely nothing. I know kids that started varsity as 7th graders and played TB forever and they never came close to playing in college.
2. Does your TB team play tournaments where college coaches are present?
3. TB and HS coaches can help, but your dd needs to be the main cog in the recruiting process. Attend camps, email college coaches, etc.
4. Is your TB coach currently helping you at all? How many kids on the TB team have been recruited?
5. Does your TB coach have kids fill out player profiles?

Based on your post, I'm guessing that your TB team plays mostly local C level tournaments. If you are playing a tougher schedule your TB coach should have fed you some information about the recruiting process and asked for a player profile at a minimum.

If your dd is a major D1 talent, your dd's recruiting process should have already started....otherwise, now is the time to start. The best thing your dd can do right now is figure out what colleges interest her, send those coaches emails expressing her interest and sending them her fall schedule, and attend their winter camps.
Apr 12, 2016
Is it acceptable to ask a coach, either tb or hs, what they can do to help a player reach the next level? How can they help in the recruiting process? DD is a freshman in hs and started playing tb at age 8. She plays 18u travel ball and started on her hs varsity team. We have been told by coaches and parents of college players that she has the ability to play at the next level. We are very realistic that not many players reach the college level and know very little about the recruiting process. Just looking for sincere advice.

Absolutely acceptable. As others have said, don't be surprised if coaches aren't all that connected or helpful. Educate yourself. It is absolutely not too late and you absolutely don't need to be on the BEST teams playing in all the BEST tourneys to get noticed and recruited. Travel softball is a huge business and folks need to make money. They are happy to take yours for the elusive chance of college ball. The tough thing is that you don't know what you are doing because you have never done this before. Everyone has advice but every player and situation is different. What worked for one might not be necessary or even helpful for another.

Figure out where she is interested in attending school. If she wants to play ball I would try to include schoools at all different levels. If she is primarily interested in schools close to home her best method is far different than if she is interested in schools all over the country.

Enjoy it and good luck!


Feb 20, 2012
Is it acceptable to ask a coach, either tb or hs, what they can do to help a player reach the next level? How can they help in the recruiting process? DD is a freshman in hs and started playing tb at age 8. She plays 18u travel ball and started on her hs varsity team. We have been told by coaches and parents of college players that she has the ability to play at the next level. We are very realistic that not many players reach the college level and know very little about the recruiting process. Just looking for sincere advice.

My $0.02...
1) You should ask the coaches what YOU and your DD can do to help her reach the next level.
2) TB and some HS coaches can help with the recruiting process, but you and your DD need to take ownership of the process.
3) Millions of kids starting playing TB at 8.
4) Why is your DD playing on an 18U team? Most recruiting takes place at 16U, 14U if your DD is a STUD.
5) Parents of college players are now experts on who has, and does not have, the ability to play in college?
6) Not many player get to play in college, and ever few end up in the "black" if they subtract the amount of money they spend on TB vs. the value of their scholarship.
7) Your DD should pursue playing in college because she loves to play, not for the money.
8) If your DD is a good player, and REALLY wants to play college softball, there is some school somewhere that will want her. But it many not be one of her top-10 choices.

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