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  1. C

    Babe Ruth thoughts?

    If you align with BR, be prepared to have borders placed that may exclude a lot of families that currently play at your park. These borders may be different for baseball and softball, which may split families. You could always keep gfp independent, but it wouldn't hurt to invite directors from...
  2. C

    9 year old pitching

    Hard to tell from the angle, but it looks a lot better! I don't think she's hitting the resistance on her front like what our instructor teaches, and her arm seems to be a little short on her follow through. Our coach says that from a kinetic standpoint you need to give the arm more of a follow...
  3. C

    The ritual-mental side of pitching

    re: mental side of pitching LOL, You're talking about "Big Red" Laura Winter at ND. She's a great pitcher and a truly wonderful young lady that we see at all of the ND camps that my DD attends. Her rhythm bounce helps her tremendously. The interesting thing about Laura that a lot of people...

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