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  1. B

    rules question

    I was able to witness a great HS softball game this week. DD was pitching in top of 13th in a 2-2 game,(she had pitched entire game) first pitch is fouled out of play over backstop, ump throws brand new ball to DD, who tosses it back to catcher asking for different ball. Ump refuses, saying...
  2. B

    rise vs drop

    I'll start by stating that both the drop and rise are great pitches, but the pitcher that can throw both well is a rare breed. I also know that a low fast ball is not a drop and a high fast ball is not a rise, some crazy dads don't know the difference. It seems to me that the good drop baller is...
  3. B

    pitching with weighted ball???

    I've see some discussion about the pros and cons of pitching with weighted balls. DD(14yr old) has been seeing same pitching coach for almost 4 yrs, every winter we pitch with a weighted ball. The first 3 yrs we pitched with a 16oz ball, currently we are pitching with a 20oz ball(homemade, but...
  4. B

    Head coach pushes PC

    My DD(14u) has been taking lesson for 3 years from the same PC that has taken several girls to D1 and D2 scholarships. He preaches speed first, then control, then breaking pitches. He is 72 years old, so he is old school, but he is very effective (he pitched several years of mens fastpitch) and...
  5. B

    Things I've learned from TB

    All parents sitting in the stands are an expert in some part of fastpitch, just listen to them when DD is batting, pitching, fielding or throwing!!! If DD only throws 50 mph at 14U, she has 8 breaking pitches and pinpoint control, I know you've told me ten times already. I know the guy sitting...
  6. B

    bat bag $ value

    DD and I left a tournament site for lunch and while sitting down to eat I suddenly remembered that I hadn't locked my truck. DD says it was no big deal, don't worry about it. Then I carefully recite every item and the approximate dollar value and it really suprised me. I ran out like a wild man...
  7. B

    ncaa title gane

    After watching UCLA defeat Arizona 15-9, I was thinking what this says about the condition of our sport. To be honest, this sounds like the score of a local 10u rec game. This was supposed to be a battle between the two best collegiate teams in the country, but something has changed. It appears...
  8. B

    strange play

    I was watching a local high scholl playoff game and saw something I had never seen before. Runner on 2nd, right handed batter at bat, runner is stealing on pitch, batter takes pitch for a ball, catcher pops up and fires ball to third, ball bounces off batters helmet and over the third base side...
  9. B

    random thoughts from a non-expert

    1. I think that if you videotaped all high school and college pitchers, most could be called for illegal pitches. I know some of you expert PCs will say I'm wrong but the push foot certainly seems to lose contact with the ground a lot. 2. I know that when DD pitches blue gets very tight with...
  10. B

    mental aspect

    While we seem to spend countless hours discussing the technical aspects of pitching, I think sometimes we overlook the the mental frame of mind it takes to be a quality pitcher. My DD (12u) played on a travel team with a loud overbearing coach that she actually feared, he would warn her before...
  11. B

    minimal speed??

    I listen to all the talk about spin and movement being more important than speed. I agree that control and movement are what set the elite pitchers apart from the rest, but I believe that speed is a crtical factor. I think a lot of PCs preach spin and control because you can convince parents...
  12. B

    step or leap?

    I keep hearing a lot about different pitching styles, step style or leap and drag. If I understand this correctly even a step style pitcher will drag the back foot, so the difference must be in the beginning motion. Could someone explain the noticable differences in the two styles, maybe...
  13. B

    2010 bats

    Does anyone have any idea about the newest bats? It's time for a new, longer and heavier bat for DD(1ST yr 14 U) and and I was wondering if anyone had an opinion. I don't mind spending the $$$ but I want to make a good investment. Opinions welcome!!
  14. B

    Pitching with weighted ball?

    I wanted to get some insight from the experts on pitching with a weighted ball in the off season to increase speed. I will tell you that 13 yr old DD goes to an instructor that stresses speed, we have thrown the weighted ball for the last three off seasons and have seen steady improvement in...
  15. B

    Should pitching instructors only be pitchers?

    posted by calgofo "Disagree with that one. If you had, God forbid, brain cancer, would you want only a neurosurgeon that has had brain cancer." NO, but I would prefer to go to a brain surgeon with lots of experience in the operating room, no an intern!!
  16. B

    I believe

    I believe that if dad tells you DD has 5 pitches, she doesn't. I believe that if your daughter has 5 pitches you don't have to tell anyone about it. I believe that you believe your 12 yr old DD can throw a 60 mph fastball. I believe your pitching coach will tell you your DD can pitch 60 mph, as...
  17. B

    pitching confidence

    I get a lot of valuable info from these discussions about mechanics of pitching but the one thing that has been the greatest struggle with my dd is confidence. I almost ruined her by letting her play on a team with poor coaching and alot of daddy ball. At 12u she was told before every outing...

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