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  1. B

    Dimple Balls stinging hands? Several theories & would like input

    I don't know who they are that say 12-13 can't handle an end loaded bat, but I disagree. Leaving age out of it, any player that has poor swing mechanics won't swing an end loaded bat well, and likely will have a worse swing with the end loaded bat than the balanced bat they moved from. The...
  2. B

    How did you find the Discuss Fastpitch Forum?

    I came to Marc's blog from a link on from his softball specific core workout. From the blog I stumbled into the forum and never left. It's kind of like the lotus club.
  3. B

    So, what did Softball Santa put under your tree?

    Thanks for the additional recommendation to read Ken. I've got some time on my hands coming up so will probably chew through a couple of titles before summer ball really gets rolling. Why are track meets so freaking long? A new topic perhaps? Inspirational coaching reads? I know Howard and...
  4. B

    Learned a lesson

    Lucky every time I've had that kind of brain fart moment the event organizers made allowances for my inexperience and had the pitching clinic in the morning and hitting in the afternoon.
  5. B

    USSSA Berth roster rules

    Option 2 if it's an issue. Leave the additional 2 on the roster that won't be going and pick up 1 for the last spot. You still will have 13 players for the tournament. That's more than most teams carry on thier roster all year, you'll be fine.
  6. B

    Nokona Gloves

    Um...You might want to refer to that foot wear as flip flops...I was blushing for a minute until I realised you were talking about shoes. :D I'm not familar with Nakona gloves, but the Akadema glove my daughter got for Christmas this year was pretty stiff too. Slathered it down with glove...
  7. B


    I'm not sure, just watching the hips and using the stripe as a gauge I'd call it frame 39. But in watching the clip cycle through the first couple times I was expecting to see an inside pitch. I guess I got the feel that some of the upper and lower body movement was an adjustment to create...
  8. B

    One Piece of Technical Advice

    Oh yeah. You're fired. We'll mail your last check soon.
  9. B

    Typical practice session

    Warm ups are over hand throwing for 10 or so minutes. Then show and throw about 60% speed for about 15 throws per pitch. Then up together/down together at about 80% for about 15 throws for each pitch. Those are the warm up drills we are using right now because they address the problems she is...
  10. B

    Gloves for Pitchers

    Agreed Amy. However, during the pre-game inspection of an elimination game didn't seem to be the best place for a discussion on rules interpetation with the umps. Sharpie did the trick. We lost anyway so maybe I should have argued the point. Hind sight is always 20/20 :D
  11. B

    Gloves for Pitchers

    You might also keep a sharpie or 6 in your bag to black out any offending color on the gloves. The gloves that my pitchers used all season at ASA tournaments in 10u were suddenly illegal at ASA nationals that first year. We ended up blacking out logos that had yellow in them on the wrist...
  12. B

    So, what did Softball Santa put under your tree?

    I got RVP software and some wiffle balls...oh, and a ticket for the softball clinic cruise. I did pretty good. Some TCB balls, a new tee and a few DVD's, The Talent Code and a couple other books are on my want list.
  13. B

    Roster 15?

    It was a hunch. I was wrong. Consistancy is important. I'm glad I'm consistant. :D
  14. B

    Roster 15?

    It's interesting to see how this is playing out. Sparky stated he saw a decline in a students progress. He spoke with the players team coach about the problem. Tar and Feathers have ensued. His major sin appears that he cares too much and went out of his way to get some additional assistance...
  15. B

    Roster 15?

    How is an honest discussion about a player shared between coaches 'undermining her behind her back'? The rest of it...huh? Both coaches are trying to help the player to improve to her goals and full potential. If her goals (you and I don't know them) include pitching in college then she NEEDS...
  16. B

    What do you or your DD want for the Holidays?

    W, I can set you up with a smith that does a fantastic Hello Kitty themed AK. Pink furniture with a white moly-coat on the metal surfaces. Perfect match for the rainbow farting unicorn. Short of that I have a friend that makes a Kalashnikitty T-Shirt. :D Merry Christmas
  17. B

    Woo Hoo!!! Congrats to Amy!!!

    Very Cool. Congrats Amy
  18. B

    drag and hand activation

    Watching the rearward weight shift to make sure they don't push the hip past the knee and/or the knee past the foot. I want them to keep thier weight inside thier back foot. Usually if thier weight gets out past thier back foot they end up dumping the back shoulder and/or fail to transfer the...
  19. B

    Should Travel Ball even exist? Is it egalitarian?

    Nice Quincy. Because something doesn't meet your families individual needs it should be abolished? Wow. My kid loves softball. She doesn't really care about other sports even though I push her to participate in another, she humors me. Her other interests don't conflict with the travel...
  20. B

    The girls just want to play ball.

    SnocatzDad - Excellent monograph. I agree with your points. It seems to me a lot of parents don't want to hear that there is more to recruitment than getting on the highest reputation, biggest schedule, highest exposure team possible and let nature take its course. SoCalSoftballDad - Easy...

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