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  1. L

    How to make a million dollars quick

    .....or you can do what L. Ron Hubbard did and start a religion.
  2. L

    Out of State Tourney

    My dd is a catcher. There is no extra space lol.
  3. L

    Out of State Tourney

    Get your rental car and then go to Walmart. Cheap chairs ($7 each), styrofoam cooler ($3), snacks, sunscreen, etc.
  4. L

    Linked words in Posts?

    It has happened to me as well in a few posts. I use Chrome.
  5. L


    The first question to ask is: Why is the team imploding?
  6. L

    The worst at bat in the history of softball....

    Based on one at bat?? You're a tough coach lol! Take a deep breath JAD.....she just needed to get that crap out of her system. She'll be fine.
  7. L

    Showcase playing time..

    IMO, yes. In bracket/elimination games the coach has an obligation to give the team its best opportunity to win. The purpose of going to a qualifier is to get a bid, so team focus trumps individual focus. In a showcase, a coach can focus on individuals and cater to college coaches requests.
  8. L

    Showcase playing time..

    The pitcher can throw in the bullpen (warm up). In all honesty, not pitching in an important game could tell the coach everything they need to know unless they're a top team nationally. The basic rule of thumb for qualifiers is to play everyone in pool play and play the top 9 in bracket play...
  9. L

    Showcase playing time..

    Showcases have their place, otherwise they wouldn't exist. College coaches overall must like the format, otherwise they would not attend. Recruiting camps run $100 or more per discipline. The player gets a number and it is run much like a combine.
  10. L

    Showcase playing time..

    They already do that at many showcases. They're called recruiting camps or something similar. They happen before the showcase starts. Also, many showcases have 4 game guarantees with a "one and out" attached to it. If the player is worth anything, they are playing just as hard at at showcase...
  11. L

    Showcase playing time..

    Then explain to me soccer and hockey.............
  12. L

    Showcase playing time..

    What if there was a college coach there at the same time looking at the pitcher? What difference is her power if she can't make contact? Like Riseball stated: If the coach wants to see her power then have her hit off of a tee. Let the pitchers pitch and the hitters hit. I've been to...
  13. L

    Showcase playing time..

    I am not trying to be funny, but the young lady needs to find a team where she is not the #3 pitcher on the team.
  14. L

    Hitting with back issues

    If your dd has herniated disk issues, maybe she should not be playing sports until the disk issues are fixed.
  15. L

    Will warped end cap disqualify bat?

    There are complete idiots out me.
  16. L

    Will warped end cap disqualify bat?

    I think they will disqualify the bat if they believe the end cap to be a potential danger. Have you tried tapping the end cap with a rubber mallet?
  17. L

    Catcher's Gearheads

    How does it compare to the S3.2? I was not impressed with the S3.2 chest protector and leg guards.
  18. L

    OT: Who drives an RV to tournaments in here???

    Yeah.....I did this the prior 4 years. You'd think it would numb you after a while but it doesn't. It stung each and every time.
  19. L

    How to teach DD to lay off the high pitch?

    A batter needs to go to the plate with a plan. My dd's plan: She is swinging at the pitch until she's not swinging at the pitch. (A batter should always assume they are getting a good pitch to swing at. If it's not good, dont swing.) The plan goes away for a pitch if the coach calls a bunt...
  20. L

    When It Comes to Money...To Ask or Not to Ask?

    My first thought is that the donation gives their company banner advertisement, Facebook recognition, etc. My second thought is: If they are willing to donate, why haven't they already done so? What are they waiting for if they know they can donate?

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