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  1. A

    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    There are a lot of statistics out there and i find it difficult to decide which ones are relevant. For instance: "Major league hitters hit .068 on first pitch strikes (total first pitch strikes which include foul balls, called strikes, & outs divided into hits)." This was in an article...
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    Topspin Vs Bulletspin, Which is Faster?

    Yes, he was experimenting with his grip, it took him a while to find the right one.😃
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    Topspin Vs Bulletspin, Which is Faster?

    Oh yeah?
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    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    From my experience nothing puts pressure on a pitcher like a walk. If a batter gets a hit on a pitch out of the zone a pitcher can chalk that up to luck. But when a pitcher walks a batter that's on her and no one else (well maybe the ump😃). I want to be clear about this, the swing-don't swing...
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    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    My idea for the HC is to move the machine back enough so that a good percentage of the pitches are going to be out of the strike zone. Then you set up a line of 4-5 hitters ready to step into the box. The hitters get 5 swings each, if they swing at a ball, they go to the back of the line. If...
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    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    Yes, but I will balance this out by saying that the easiest game to pitch is one where you don't have to throw strikes to get hitters out. Hitters that can hit a ball hard when it's out of the strike zone are exceedingly rare, like hen's teeth rare. Not as much as a 3 ball count.
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    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    Have you ever told a hitter who is consistently late on a pitcher's fastball to start their swing earlier? Seems pointless since swinging is not a decision there's nothing the hitter can do about being late. I said consequences, you said punishment. In a game if you swing at a bad pitch you...
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    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    This really doesn't answer the question, this deals with a hitter's intention or attitude when they are in the box, there's only one decision. I'm talking about improving the decision making process itself. I will modify my question to make it easier to understand: how do you train the "continue...
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    Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

    I'm helping out with a local 12U B level team. No one takes or has taken hitting lessons. They practice hitting once a week over the cold months, for an hour with two tunnels, one for front toss the other with a machine. For the first two tournaments the hitting was terrible. Then the coach got...
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    Help Please, 12U Glove...

    At her age I would have her try the 'two in pinkie' way of holding the glove, it makes it much easier to squeeze.
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    Welcome to Bulletspin Season!

    True, but they do use the same size ball, with seams, and the question is whether those seams can be utilized to cause movement. In baseball the answer to that question is 'yes', but it has only been recently recognized and accepted.
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    Welcome to Bulletspin Season!

    There is a lot of precision involved in throwing SSW breaking pitches. The spin axis has to be perfect, and the seam orientation also has to be spot on. What's interesting is that the same spin axis with a seam orientation 180 degrees different will make the ball break the other way. So you...
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    Canady rumor

    Interesting, there's a local girl, a pitcher, who committed to Texas Tech for 2025.
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    Pitching w/ arm too close to body

    What is her typical fastball velocity? The kick out doesn't bother me because her knee lift is basically in line, it's her foot that goes out. Across the board she has very unusual mechanics, so I'm wondering how fast she throws. Are these videos that have been taken since she began to have...
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    Rosin Question

    I had an umpire tell one of my pitchers that rosin was illegal and that Gorilla Gold is the only USA Softball approved drying agent. I looked at the rules website and it says that there is a list of approved drying agents, and Gorilla Gold is the only thing on the list. Is the umpire right...
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    Newbie to Pitching Question

    I think she's doing it correctly except for the very end, the palm up finish concerns me. The 'lock it in' drill is one way to address this, with an emphasis on the roll over immediately after release. Another way is to use a small hand tool like a hammer, or a garden trowel, with the lock it in...
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    WCWS radar gun

    This assumes that they are being correctly measured in their workouts, or wherever else they are being measured.
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    WCWS radar gun

    I don't know how you would measure velocity without doing it out of the hand. To be accurate the radar must be in line with the path of the ball, which means in line with the hand. If you want to measure the speed at the plate you would have to trigger the gun at the exact moment the ball was...
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    Shoulders Hips and Whip!!! She just CANT GET IT!

    Working on a palm up curve or a rise can improve her IR and the issue with not staying or getting open enough. To get the palm under or inside the ball you have to be open and lead with a flexed elbow.
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    14yo struggling with SO

    What's up with that funky flying back elbow? That is ridiculously high and serves no purpose. It's got to be causing problems with her top hand grip. You can't get the elbow that high without relaxing and letting go a little with the hand. I would try eliminating that to simplify her action.

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