Shoulders Hips and Whip!!! She just CANT GET IT!

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Apr 21, 2020
I have a 14u that I have posted before. We work and work. I don't think her mechanics are correct. But other coaches think they are ok and are ready to start with movement pitches. I know her drive could use some work and I definitely think we can get that down now that we understand, it's just breaking the muscle memory. But it's the shoulder, core stability, and brush I feel she can't get. She throws 55-56 I feel like she can or should do more with her size . I know she is weak we are 3 days into a 2 month program. To strengthen hips and core. Do you think this a must that her mechanics get fixed or I'm I over thinking this totally. As a parent I'm driving me and her crazy
I could use some advice thanks!

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May 27, 2013
I will caveat this by saying that I am not a PC but what stands out to me is it looks more like she is stepping when she is pitching vs really driving off the mound hard. She can probably get a lot more power from her drive which should add velocity. She needs to focus more on kicking her left leg up and out a bit.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Calm down. Your goal is to have a great 16YOA pitcher, and she looks like she is well on her way to being great. She has brush.

Generally, maturing is going to add 5MPH. Better leg drive will get you another 5 MPH.

What is her one-time maximum speed?
What is her cruising speed (what she usually throws in the game)?
Do you do speed practice? Forget control. Forget everything except throwing the ball as fast as possible.
Does she understand the idea of throwing each pitch at 100% effort? And, you have to let her practice throwing at 100% effort.
Is her breathing good? Does she exhale at release?
Is she relaxing through the pitch?
Is she really bringing that left arm down?
How's her control?

Some drills that might help:

Speed walkthroughs--these are the normal walkthroughs EXCEPT that she wants to really push herself.

"Shut up dad/mom and let me throw" drill--Get a speed gun. She throws The only thing you do is tell her the speed. You say *NOTHING ELSE.* You make no suggestions. You don't criticize. You keep your mouth shut and let her work in her own mind within her body to throw faster. This could go for 50 pitches. You can throw in an occasional "you can do it" or talk about how you need to mow the grass. (We had a digital readout of the speed gun she should see. So, I didn't even tell her the speed. She would top out. When she started to fade, we'd quit.)

At her skill level, think about finding a top-notch pitching coach. She doesn't need to see a PC every week.
Last edited:
Sep 19, 2018
Then stop driving her crazy. Even professionals often need someone else to teach their children. You don’t want to make her hate working.

Does she throw a change? If she is throwing strikes she should start with a movement pitch. Let her work ut at the end of her lessons after she’s done her other work.
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
There is a significant amount of mechanical/IR variation in her pitches. When she does most of the drills there is a lot of IR, when she goes full she tends to swim the glove out more which restricts her IR because the swim causes her to close early or not get open as much as she could. In the first video series go to the 3rd rep, the one without the glove, if you slow it down you can see the arm swim out. In the drill immediately following you can see good IR. This is not uncommon, it's easy to max out IR from the sling shot position because you start from a wide open position. It's also interesting that in many of the pitches without a glove on she swims out more. Overall she is still very sound and more IR is a tweak that may or may not add velocity.
Apr 21, 2020
Calm down. Your goal is to have a great 16YOA pitcher, and she looks like she is well on her way to being great. She has brush.

Generally, maturing is going to add 5MPH. Better leg drive will get you another 5 MPH.

What is her one-time maximum speed?
What is her cruising speed (what she usually throws in the game)?
Do you do speed practice? Forget control. Forget everything except throwing the ball as fast as possible.
Does she understand the idea of throwing each pitch at 100% effort? And, you have to let her practice throwing at 100% effort.
Is her breathing good? Does she exhale at release?
Is she relaxing through the pitch?
Is she really bringing that left arm down?
How's her control?

Some drills that might help:

Speed walkthroughs--these are the normal walkthroughs EXCEPT that she wants to really push herself.

"Shut up dad/mom and let me throw" drill--Get a speed gun. She throws The only thing you do is tell her the speed. You say *NOTHING ELSE.* You make no suggestions. You don't criticize. You keep your mouth shut and let her work in her own mind within her body to throw faster. This could go for 50 pitches. You can throw in an occasional "you can do it" or talk about how you need to mow the grass. (We had a digital readout of the speed gun she should see. So, I didn't even tell her the speed. She would top out. When she started to fade, we'd quit.)

At her skill level, think about finding a top-notch pitching coach. She doesn't need to see a PC every week.

Max speed is 59
Cruising speed 55-56
No speed practice
100% effort every pitch is not something she is consistent at. When she throws max or 100% she misses her spots and slows down. So its a constant battle of or throw hard or hit spots. having time off July and August will help that.

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May 27, 2013
Max speed is 59
Cruising speed 55-56
No speed practice
100% effort every pitch is not something she is consistent at. When she throws max or 100% she misses her spots and slows down. So its a constant battle of or throw hard or hit spots. having time off July and August will help that.

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She will definitely need to learn how to throw with 100% max effort. That is the only way she will be able to become consistent at it and have it transfer to games. When pitchers slow themselves down to hit spots they start aiming. They have to trust their pitch or mechanics will stay inconsistent or break down in order to aim.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Max speed is 59
Cruising speed 55-56
No speed practice
100% effort every pitch is not something she is consistent at. When she throws max or 100% she misses her spots and slows down. So its a constant battle of or throw hard or hit spots. having time off July and August will help that.

Have her throw as hard as she can for as long as she can without worrying about location. Next practice session it's all about control, and then back to control. She'll put the two together.

She has to relax to throw fast. That's why you want to keep the pressure to a minimum when she works on speed.
Apr 21, 2020
Here's is a video of her drop and another view from behind. I Said in my original post Coach wanted to work on movement pitches I guess I should have said curve or rise. She does have a drop and a change. Not very consistent on change but is working on that.
Just worried about mechanics.

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