12yo DD swing eval

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Dec 15, 2018

Hope I linked the video correctly. This is my 10yo DD. She's made a ton of progress over the winter, getting some load instead of starting from dead stop, better at not rolling hands over immediately after contact. Still some things here I would like some tips on. Particularly it feels still a little rotational, and not thrilled with that front leg just up and down (though it seems like pretty good position at contact).

Any helpful evaluation would be appreciated, things to work on, etc.

Thanks all,
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
I think your right, it's a little to rotational. To much mechanical or turn the hips because the hips are suppose to rotate.
May 16, 2016
Just a little advise for Tee work that I like to tell the young girls. I prefer them to start with their head and eyes looking toward where a pitcher would be standing, instead of fixed on the ball the whole time. More like they are actually tracking a ball coming in.

Overall your daughter has a very nice swing for her age. I would start working on exactly what you said in your comments about getting her front foot to gain a couple inches to get a better weight shift.
Aug 20, 2017
Get some stretch or pull back with back elbow and hands. Would like to see some forward advancement during stride while she pulls back. Get into legs more. More tension in legs helps to swing from ground up. Weight stays too far back when stride foot lands
Dec 15, 2018
The overall sequence is in place. Do you have any clips with a moving ball?

She is a bit on her backside to much which will effect hand path.

Thanks. This is the only clip I have so far. Will try and get a front toss. Agree that this tee shot might not be giving her true swing, and that she's definitely weirdly staying back.
Dec 15, 2018
Get some stretch or pull back with back elbow and hands. Would like to see some forward advancement during stride while she pulls back. Get into legs more. More tension in legs helps to swing from ground up. Weight stays too far back when stride foot lands

Thanks. I agree. Hopefully this is just a construct of it being a tee swing, but something to work on for sure.
May 12, 2016
Thanks. I agree. Hopefully this is just a construct of it being a tee swing, but something to work on for sure.
Even if it's not, your DD is young and you have a lot of time to work with her, enjoy, speaking from experience, the years fly by. I'm no expert, so the only advice I can really give is less is better. Work on one thing at a time and keep it fun, :)
Sep 29, 2014
I haven't posted in years just coming back here but couldn't pass up the chance to provide honest feedback. I use side by side still because I think it illustrates the best. Your DD is young and has plenty of time but might as well start now. Her swing is very passive and handsy she really needs to engage the rest of her body. My number one focus is always to get a hitter to this point at heel plant I have in the picture below, she has to be in this position so she can maximize the power in her swing, lots of other things that could use work but this is key. Compare her to the two model hitters, you can see the models are a little different (Lauren is about a frame or two later in the swing than Josh too) but have a lot of things in common....Good Luck


  • 10yroldtt.PNG
    79.2 KB · Views: 29
  • lauren foot plant.PNG
    lauren foot plant.PNG
    57.3 KB · Views: 31
  • josh heel plant.JPG
    josh heel plant.JPG
    15.4 KB · Views: 28


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.


Work on this barrel path. Get the hands in a higher starting position(shoulder/arm pit area).

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