Jose Bautista hitting article.

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Jun 8, 2016
There are a bunch of professional musicians that don't/can't read music. They play by experience and feel. Eddie Van Halen is famous for making up guitar riffs that fit no musical theory. When asked about it, he just says well it sounds good to me.

If you can watch AP explain that swing and then watch him actually swing and somehow come up with that is the same thing then lol at you. The are a billion examples of great players who can't coach a lick, and players that were never that great that make great coaches.

If they know what they do as you say, then the only explanation that makes any sense is AP is purposely trying to mislead everyone. Do you think that is going on?
I and others have had the real vs feel conversation with W=w for a while now. You are barking up the wrong tree..he is very stubborn (no offense W=w...that is a compliment actually :) )

The only thing I will say about the AP video is that in the initial part of his swing the barrel does move down, e.g. it goes down to move up so maybe that is all he feels and hence the exaggerated demonstration.


Mar 11, 2010
There are a bunch of professional musicians that don't/can't read music. They play by experience and feel. Eddie Van Halen is famous for making up guitar riffs that fit no musical theory. When asked about it, he just says well it sounds good to me.

If you can watch AP explain that swing and then watch him actually swing and somehow come up with that is the same thing then lol at you. There are a billion examples of great players who can't coach a lick, and players that were never that great that make great coaches.

If they know what they do as you say, then the only explanation that makes any sense is AP is purposely trying to mislead everyone. Do you think that is going on?
Well, the barrel is whipped not turned (Watch AJ for the comparison). The barrel is accelerated down (swinging down), not down and around across (chopped). The blur begins during the beginning of the whip. The greats all did it from a leveraged position not while on one leg..
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
There are a bunch of professional musicians that don't/can't read music. They play by experience and feel. Eddie Van Halen is famous for making up guitar riffs that fit no musical theory. When asked about it, he just says well it sounds good to me.

If you can watch AP explain that swing and then watch him actually swing and somehow come up with that is the same thing then lol at you. There are a billion examples of great players who can't coach a lick, and players that were never that great that make great coaches.

If they know what they do as you say, then the only explanation that makes any sense is AP is purposely trying to mislead everyone. Do you think that is going on?

It’s a demo. It’s a demo. Do other demos look exactly like they say? Like I said he’s saying what he does. What works for him. Tony Gwynn has said the same. Two of the best. So I don’t think anyone is misleading anyone. Did the JD demo look like his game swing? I don’t think so. Is he misleading anyone? I don’t think so.

If the cues aren’t understood anyone will stumble understanding what to take from them. Just as if the fundamentals aren’t in place a hitter will constantly be applying band aids to keep their swing together.
Jul 16, 2013
It’s a demo. It’s a demo. Do other demos look exactly like they say? Like I said he’s saying what he does. What works for him. Tony Gwynn has said the same. Two of the best. So I don’t think anyone is misleading anyone. Did the JD demo look like his game swing? I don’t think so. Is he misleading anyone? I don’t think so.

If the cues aren’t understood anyone will stumble understanding what to take from them. Just as if the fundamentals aren’t in place a hitter will constantly be applying band aids to keep their swing together.

I have absolutely no issue with the bold statement above. Actually, I agree with the thought completely. I just hope you remember that the next time you start talking about "you know who..." ;) Remember, it's just a demo...
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
I have absolutely no issue with the bold statement above. Actually, I agree with the thought completely. I just hope you remember that the next time you start talking about "you know who..." ;) Remember, it's just a demo...

Lol. But we know what he wants as ‘actions’ in his swing. Quite a bit different dontcha think? There is little left to interpretation with you know who right?


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
It’s a demo. It’s a demo.
Yeah, I got that this thread is full of them......
Nov 16, 2017
It’s a demo. It’s a demo. Do other demos look exactly like they say? Like I said he’s saying what he does. What works for him. Tony Gwynn has said the same. Two of the best. So I don’t think anyone is misleading anyone. Did the JD demo look like his game swing? I don’t think so. Is he misleading anyone? I don’t think so.

If the cues aren’t understood anyone will stumble understanding what to take from them. Just as if the fundamentals aren’t in place a hitter will constantly be applying band aids to keep their swing together.

Josh's looks almost exactly like what he is saying. In the demo he put a ball up at almost chest height. To demonstrate. But then went on to explain he uses "shoulder plain" or posture to adjust to pitch height.

Linked to :24 where he is at exactly where he said you should be.

Explain to me what you see he is doing differently than what he is saying.
Nov 16, 2017
It’s a demo. It’s a demo. Do other demos look exactly like they say? Like I said he’s saying what he does. What works for him. Tony Gwynn has said the same. Two of the best. So I don’t think anyone is misleading anyone. Did the JD demo look like his game swing? I don’t think so. Is he misleading anyone? I don’t think so.

If the cues aren’t understood anyone will stumble understanding what to take from them. Just as if the fundamentals aren’t in place a hitter will constantly be applying band aids to keep their swing together.

freeze at :14
Nov 16, 2017
Using Josh's instruction you will be well on your way.


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