Chanting in the Dugout

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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Yesterday Manager was coaching 3rd and was trying to tell something to the batter, our dugout was to load with softball chants, he could not verbally communicate to the batter. He got frustrated and told the bench to shut up, no more chants. Properly the players were quite.

Next inning the Team was total quite and he yelled to the Fielders to cheer their pitcher on. The players were not sure what to do.

Do you care if players chant in the dugout?
Aug 19, 2011
One of the teams in our league has a manager who just won't shut up on 3rd base, won't let a single batter make a single swing without yelling instructions. Whatever happened to signs? I don't think verbal instructions from 3rd are nearly as much a part of the game as chants. Properly done, I think the verbal instructions should come during practice or in the dugout, communication should be by signs, and the girls should be free to yell their heads off.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Personally I think so too, they were all standing on the fence and using their outside voice. :)

They were just producing a lot of noise, nothing inappropriate.
Jan 25, 2011
Do I like the chants,not on Monday,when they are still stuck in my head,from listening to them all weekend.But I think that it is good,Axe you are right they do pay more attention when cheering.By the way what was the coach saying to the batter?If he was trying to tell her how to bat,he needs to do that in practice not during the game!
Aug 19, 2011
Yeah, when my girls first started playing I didn't like the chants so much, until I realized that it's part of the game -- even the big girls do it. : ) Now I love the sound, it sounds like health.
Feb 3, 2011
I love it when our dugout is engaged in the game. I give signs, so the only thing I ever have to verbalize to batters is to remind them if there are 2 strikes.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
By the way what was the coach saying to the batter?If he was trying to tell her how to bat,he needs to do that in practice not during the game!

IDK but he was OK. He has not had enough time to know all the Players and their swings so he was trying to train from the coaching box.
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Jun 18, 2010
Chanting - yes, cow bell (from the fans) -no. Got my first taste of the cow bell this weekend. I still have a headache.

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