Assessment of Players

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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
It's hard to know when to move to another instructor, that's for sure. We went through a few pitching coaches before getting to ours. At some point I think you sense improvement has slowed/stopped. Or that you're not doing anything new. Or you sense there must be better out there.
Care to share the time frame of going through a few pitching coaches before finding the one you like?!
What things did you notice along that route?
Jun 8, 2016
This is a tough one, especially if a parent doesn't have a good idea of what is "right" or "wrong". In that case they have to rely on somebody else to tell them that an instructor knows what they are doing initially when they are choosing an instructor and then play the game of figuring out if game performance is what it should be..which can be complicated due to changes in competition level, growth spurts, etc. If a kid is working on their own outside of their lessons (if not then you might as well use your 20 dollar bills to wipe your as*), I would give an instructor AT LEAST a full season at a certain competition level to see if things are working out. That should allow for the kid to get up to speed with a possible improvement in competition level along with maybe moving through any growth spurt (at the younger ages) which might be effecting things initially.
May 13, 2021
I know I am not very good at assessing pitchers, there are only two criteria I am good at. Is she throwing strikes, and she she throwing fast. When she goes to lessons I expect a full assessment. Is she doing what she's being taught correctly, along with what she needs to work on to improve.
May 17, 2012
* How/ when would should a player take on new mechanics?

I think if a player isn't having success OR if they aren't using best practices.

If they aren't having success the answer is pretty apparent to me but I can tell you that it isn't always obvious to parents. Parents hate being told that the person they are paying money to (private hitting/pitching/fielding coach) isn't producing the required game results they should expect. There is always an excuse.

I had a player that had TWO hitting coaches and was still hitting .240 deep into the season. I tried to offer the player advice but she gave me the "smile and nod". I can't do anything about that but I also know not to take players that go to certain hitting/pitching coaches no matter how good the player is.

If they aren't doing a process the same way the best players in the world are doing it I would really like to understand the reasoning behind that. I would be weary of change if they are having success though. As a coach, I would keep my mouth shut unless asked directly about it.
Jan 25, 2022
I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for an assessment if the player has been going to another instructor for maybe 6 months on a consistent basis.

I also don't think an instructor should take the hit if the player isn't working at home. Ground is gained really slowly if the work is only done at a lesson. My kid's pitching instructor has students that go AWOL for weeks or months with no warning. His wife schedules monthly, and confirms that we want to be scheduled. It's simple enough to just say no. But then when they show back up three months later and their skills are a mess, whose fault is that?

So you (or whoever) may do an assessment on a kid/parents that have a half assed commitment.

I know a family who has been through every pitching coach in the area. Some people never realize it's THEM that is the problem.
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Apr 20, 2018
(This is not a question of whether or not I would do the assessment
-it is a discussion about people/players in that situation.)

What you suggest can cause a lot of confusion and that is why I brought this topic up. Changing what someone is doing may not be there intention of the assessment.
They are coming to you for an assessment. Which tells me they are not happy with progress and probably want a second opinion. So you gently and confidently give them the option. Show them video of your other students.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
They are coming to you for an assessment. Which tells me they are not happy with progress and probably want a second opinion. So you gently and confidently give them the option. Show them video of your other students.
This conversation stems from the fact that there are multiple different mechanics players can use to do things.

Would not assume they are unhappy with their progress because they are not looking for another instructor.

They are looking for an assessment which can mean an assessment of the skill sets they are ALREADY doing.

Is not the same as seeing what they are doing and telling them they should change what they are doing.

In my opinion there is a responsibility in acknowledging that there are different reasonings behind why people might want an assessment. That is why I ask the questions I do.

This could be a similar situation where somebody is going to a tryout where some coaches may just let the players use the skill sets they show up with like hitting, to show their stuff.
While othertimes go to another tryout and the coaches already wanting to immediately change players hitting (without even seeing what they can do with what they brought.)

-The first tryout is an assessment of the skills the player is already doing.
-The second tryout scenario could be a coach wants to see how coachable a player is, but would not be an assessment of the skills they brought. *Because it would be changing what they were doing.

For an assessment
It is not my role as an instructor to tell people what I think they should be doing (one thing over the other.)
As an assessment I can do either look at the skills that somebody is bringing and tell people what I think about the performance.
1. Assessment could be yes you are doing the mechanics you are being taught to do correctly.
There could be the desire for people that know they are willing to change what they're doing.
2. Assessment of players productivity that may need to change to grow.
Those are two different things.

People can get very offended if immediately want to change what their daughter is doing. ( especially that they are paying money for)
I always find it best to have conversation discussing what the goals of the player and family are not just having them show up to an unexpected change.
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Just excellent. Thank you so much for posting.
Thank you!
It's an important topic I think for the awareness of things that can happen.
Appreciate the opportunity to post things like this on dfp.

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