I am more interested in why a LF was able to get to a ball 5 feet in back of 3rd base..was this 10U?
Ha - they were playing her shallow because she was showing bunt. Although in HS you would think they would know better! LOL!
I am more interested in why a LF was able to get to a ball 5 feet in back of 3rd base..was this 10U?
I really hate the way coaches like this deliver the message. It's not OK to berate a player like this in public
With that said DD needs to consider the message he was giving.
On a suicide squeeze you need to go after it no matter what. You might miss, but you simply can't just pull back (if that's what she did). I doubt she could hit it but at least put the bat down and try. It doesn't matter if it's 13-0 or if they missed it.
On the base running have her consider what she might have done different. If the LF just drops a routing ball it's one thing, but if you aren't sure you need to move as far as you can and still get back if she catches it while being ready to go if she doesn't. Sometimes you are just dead either way, but often you can hedge your bets.
In the end you have to determine if you want to play for an rear like this HC or not.
I would not condone a coach treating my daughter this way. But I also would not force her to quit the team. We would have a discussion as a family. Would discuss how much of an a$$ this coach is. And then allow her to decide if she would continue or not. DD's high school experience was far from positive. She was the only travel ball player on the roster each of the last two seasons. And the W/L record showed it. But overall, the coaches were supportive, though maybe not the most knowledgeable. I'm quite sure that if she was faced with something like this, she would have walked away and never looked back. By comparison, she much preferred travel ball. I do not want to make this a travel vs. high school type thread because there are pros and cons on both sides. Just that in this particular case, DD had other ways to pursue her softball goals beyond playing high school ball.
Totally agree that DD needs to learn from this...and believe me she is.
DD knows she made a mistake. She is the first one to admit her mistakes. She said got confused when there was a time out and no new sign was given and then the coach yelled "hit it to RF" (obviously trying to confuse the field but in the moment I can understand how DD could have gotten confused). She should have fully committed to either the bunt or the swing to RF...but she didn't. She knows she blew it. DD is new to the school, and to the team and coach (3 weeks into HS softball) and she is the only freshman - no sophomores 5 seniors and 7 juniors. It took her a while just to feel comfortable and just when she was starting to hit her stride this happens. She is incredibly coachable and takes criticism and direction well. So why would you not COACH a player thru this instead of just yanking them MID AT BAT!!! Who does that!?! And seriously - her mistake wasn't even close to costing them the game.
As for the base running, she had a decent lead off...not huge, but to where she knew she could get back if needed. On any other team they have played that ball would have been easily caught - but this team had terrible fielders who couldn't catch anything. In any other game I truly believe she would have had to run back and that is why her lead off wasn't greater. She is usually a pretty good base runner. She is fast and smart and knows her limits. Again - a coaching moment...
Up until today this coach doted on DD. She never yelled at her, never made her run poles, bragged about her to the asst coach and kept trying to woo her to her TB team. DD would always say she felt bad for the coach because people spoke about her so poorly. She said she was learning a ton and was excited to have her as a coach for the next 7 weeks. Way to squelch it coach!
I sincerely hope it gets better for her. My DD didn't even play HS because of the coach. I wish she had but I watched a few practices and the 2 JV coaches were total pricks to the kids. I think they were trying to show that they were the boss and that even though they were good TB players they knew more. She has played for tough coaches in TB but every single one of them was fair and if they got mad in the heat of the moment every single time they talked the players to try and teach. I wasn't trying to knock your DD in any way and hope you didn't take it that way.