Where was COMP when I needed him???

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Feb 20, 2012
Saturday morning, we are playing defense and there is a base runner on 1B. Ground ball to 2B and the base runner interferes with 2B trying to make the play. FU calls "dead ball", and allows the batter to occupy 1B at the end of the play even though the 2B completed the play and threw out the base runner. In my opinion it should have been "interference" and R1 called out, but the 2B should be allowed to complete the double play. Help me out COMP!!! What is the appropriate way to point this out to the FU? Since the FU called "DEAD BALL" is it a mute point since the offensive coach could argue his batter stopped running and that is the reason we were able to turn the double play?
May 30, 2013
Binghamton, NY
I think the "dead ball" call is a mistake, and also killed any chance of appeal for interference.

Ump should have gestured interference, but not called Runner out until play concluded
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Umpire was correct. Interference by the offense is an automatic dead ball - obstruction by the defense is a delayed dead ball. Both are judgment calls and are not subject to appeal.
Jun 22, 2008
Interference is an immediate dead ball, nothing can happen after the interference. The proper call is the runner who committed the interference is out, batter is awarded 1st base. There are only limited instances where you can get 2 outs on interference. If the umpire judges the interference was intentional to prevent a double play the succeeding runner is also out, and in asa if a runner interferes on a pop fly catchable with normal effort the batter is also out.
May 30, 2013
Binghamton, NY
Comp - you beat me to the punch and answered my question before I posted! thanks...
Last question: What if there was an additional Runner at 3B who scored on the play? Back to 3B, Runner Interfered Out, Batter awarded 1B?
Jul 16, 2008
Same thing happened to us at HoF Tournament.. to me it was obvious that the runner did it on purpose to keep from the DP... But the umpire called Deadball way too fast. Not sure how the OP play went, but ours was a pretty sharp hit ball to F4, she fielded it and was beginning to turn for the tag when the runner bumped into her, not hard, just enough for the umpire to call it... to me a normal player would attempt to dodge the tag... ahhh but to no avail, 1 out instead of a DP


Jun 22, 2008
Comp - you beat me to the punch and answered my question before I posted! thanks...
Last question: What if there was an additional Runner at 3B who scored on the play? Back to 3B, Runner Interfered Out, Batter awarded 1B?

When there is INT, all other runners must return to the last base touched at the time of the INT. Though it is obvious, that means that a runner who scores prior to the INT, that run stands

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