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Jun 22, 2008
The interference rules deal with the last base the runners have touched at the time of the interference. If R2 had not yet reached 3rd base at the time R3 interfered with F2, then yes it would be considered a forced 3rd out and the run would not count. But, based on R3 having reached the plate and interfering after scoring it is highly likely R2 also reached 3rd prior to the interference. If so, R2 would no longer be a force out, the run would score and R2 would be called out ending the inning.

Thanks for saving me all those keystrokes
Mar 2, 2013
Thanks for saving me all those keystrokes

What would make anyone necessarily think that R3 wouldn't interfere before R2 made it to 3rd base? R3 would literally only have to be a step faster than R2. There is nothing at all "highly likely" about it. One is no more likely to occur than the other.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
What would make anyone necessarily think that R3 wouldn't interfere before R2 made it to 3rd base? R3 would literally only have to be a step faster than R2. There is nothing at all "highly likely" about it. One is no more likely to occur than the other.

Good point. And actually, it is far more likely that the interference would happen prior to R2 touching 3rd as R3 knows that they need to be going full throttle to get to the plate before the catcher steps on it whereas R2 knows that any throw on a DTS likely is going to 1B and that it will take the ball about 1/2 second in the air to reach the base IF the catcher makes the throw.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
:confused: How is this a factor?

The runner going from 2nd to 3rd likely isn't busting their butt to make it safely to 3B because: 1) the play on a DTS w/ bases loaded usually is a touch of home; 2) if the play isn't made at home, then its a throw to 1B; and, 3) if the play is to 3B, the runner still has the time that the ball is in the air to speed up and make it there safely. In other words, the runner going from 2B to 3B probably is not running w/ as much urgency as the batter and R3 and, due to human nature, will take the time afforded them. Should they be loafing? No, but, IMO, chances are pretty near 100% that R3 touches home prior to R2 reaching 3B.

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