Well- Let me Lower My Expectations.......

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Apr 26, 2012
Never approach an umpire as a spectator. You will be known as "that parent" and it effects your DD.

You should have seen a mom on my team try to show an ump (on her camera) that her kid was "actually" safe. Haha, she got lit up like a Christmas tree. Loved it.
Sep 18, 2011
I think the problem is that the rule is black and white, one size fits all. Meanwhile the fields come in all different shapes and sizes, and what's safest for one field might be completely different for what's safest at the next. I think the rule should be changed to allow for greater flexibility, up to and including keeping the on deck batter behind the fence if there is no safe place to put her.

Just realized that after five years and on two different websites I think I finally disagree with Bretman. This is an historic day. We agree to disagree - finally!
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I think the flavor is not damn the rules, but worry about the ones that matter and not sweat the small stuff. There are so many mistakes that umpires make (rule books are pretty long and complicated things, keeping track of several versions form different bodies even harder) that this falls into the category of "who cares? it doesn't affect the game" so don't sweat it. Now if he was confusing mens slowpitch rules and kept calling IPs because they didn't have enough arc then I would say something.

Yep we shouldn't sweat the small stuff like the STRIKE ZONE!!!! still haven't seen a umpire call it by the rules.....
Can someone clarify the comment about the book not being "official" unless it is kept in the dugout? And by what sanctions ie USSSA, ASA, Little League etc. I score our LL books behind the fence next to the dugout. And DD first USSSA tournament is coming up soon and would like to know for that as well.

I've seen numerous official scorekeepers outside the dugout even at nationals .....there is no written rule I'm aware of at least in ASA, NSA IFA
Nov 14, 2011
So someone that knows the rules points it out the the HU. The HU gets the call wrong (based on multiple rule books) and yet people support his call?

While I support the idea that someone, including the scorekeeper, should probably concentrate on the more important issues during a game, why is the fact that the HU does not know the rule getting a pass? Some things in the rule book are discretionary while others are not. Which warm-up batting area is specifically called out in the rule book. Why is that so hard to understand and enforce? Would it change anything if a player brought it up to the HU instead of the score keeper?
Jan 28, 2013
it would matter a littrle if it was a player. Did the scorekeeper clear approaching the umpire with the HC? He
might not appreciate pissing off the umpire on his behalf. Like it or not, umpires are human and may affect
their calls against the team that whines.

There are also rules about all the players wearing matching undershirts and all the coaches must be dressed alike.
We wouldn't think of bringing those up if there was a potential violation.

There is an element of picking your battles. Being a rules lawyer seldom helps so why stress yourself for no gain?

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