Well- Let me Lower My Expectations.......

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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
I think the flavor is not damn the rules, but worry about the ones that matter and not sweat the small stuff. There are so many mistakes that umpires make (rule books are pretty long and complicated things, keeping track of several versions form different bodies even harder) that this falls into the category of "who cares? it doesn't affect the game" so don't sweat it. Now if he was confusing mens slowpitch rules and kept calling IPs because they didn't have enough arc then I would say something.
Apr 17, 2012
We had an ump who wouldn't allow the girls on deck to go behind the batter, had to be on their side. The first and foremost in everybody's mind should be SAFETY. This particular field the on deck circle was very close to the plate/field. The coach got into a heated debate with the ump about the safety. Ump wouldn't relent. Coach didn't allow the girls to go on deck if they were in front of the batter. No less than 3 batters later a batter hits a ball off the end of the bat that is a screamer right over the on deck circle. Sort of an I told you so moment. But no change was made.
Jun 22, 2008
Why does a scorekeeper need to have a running dialogue with the umpire during a game? If you are not a coach who is keeping score you have no reason to speak with the umpire other than scorekeeping issues, of which an on deck batter in the wrong circle is not.

To answer you question about the bat left out on a bunt attempt, in FED rules the batter is required to withdraw the bat or it is called a strike.
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Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
Between innings, I discreetly spoke with the HPU. I am not a coach on this team and merely a fan (added: acting as score keeper).

As scorekeeper, were you inside the dugout, or outside the confines sitting in a chair or on the bleacher?

If you are not a listed coach, or certified to coach/assist/etc in MS sports you do not belong in the dugout. If you ran the book outside the fence that's fine, but I've learned that a book kept outside the fence is not an official "book". If you were home team, this could become an issue. But I'm sure you know all this.

I told the HPU that the above issue is in the rule books of at least 2 sanctioning org's that I know of. HPU says that he is ok with them in either on deck circle. I replied with a smile, "Its your field". I then asked what book does this game follow. HPU says "I don't know".

We're the "words" you had with the HPU include telling him which governing body the game was being played under? Or did you not know that yourself?

We had a few more words. I walked a way with a smile,and lowered my expectations.


Hey, I agree with you...rules are rules, and arbitrary rules shouldn't be brushed aside. If we have to follow the book, they should too.
Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Can someone please explain how to score a girl that leaves the bat out in the strike zone during a bunt? ASA and USSSA both have different rules on this. If the bunt is held out and a ball tossed, do I score a strike or a ball?

Wouldn't you just score it whatever the umpire called it? :confused:
Apr 11, 2012
Seems that the flavour here is play the game, damn the rules. How in the world do you properly Ump, Coach, Scorekeep a game if you don't know what book you are following.

Interested to see where this goes from here.......

"damn the rules?"....well sorta......but to answer your question, in umping you just announce a game time, call a "ball" or "strike", decide if someone is safe or out, in coaching, you fill out the line-up card and ponder when to bunt runners over or switch pitchers and for score keeping, you need to decide if a batter got a hit or if a error was committed, record every time they were called "out" and count how many times each team reaches home plate before three outs are recorded....
Jan 8, 2012
Aurora, IL
So I believe you completely missed the point. Let me re-explain.

Rule 7 Section 1 in both USSSA and ASA state that a team must take the on deck circle on the side of the offensive team. Not open for discussion or coach's preference. Your statement leads me to believe you have never read the rules and base your thoughts on rumours of how the game is played.

The point here is that HPU DID NOT know what rule book the game was being played under. How does he decide if a girl should have/should not have moved to avoid being hit by a pitch? One sanction requires the girl move, the other doesn't. Perhaps it would be best if you read the rules and understood why this is a problem prior to posting.

First off do not assume what some one knows or does not know, I have read the rules for the associations that we play in. I tend to focus on rules that may impact the game. In my opinion which on deck circle they use is meaningless. Did the umpire become a factor in the outcome of the game? From your post it appears not. What rule allows a spectator to insert him/her self into the game?

So here is what I think I read;
A ms game (11 to 13 year olds). So what rules doe they follow? A spectator was troubled with where the girls where staging. The spectator took it apon themselves to inform the head coach that the girls cannot do that. The HC parroted the spectators concern. The HPU said it was ok. The spectator at this point decides that this travesty must be addressed and approached the HPU stating that if this continues all life as we know it will perish Ok cheap shot sorry for the sarcasm. Stating that in 2 organizations there is a rule against this. Did you know what rule set your DDs team was playing was it based on one with local rules on top? The HPU again says it is ok. The spectator now wants to show up the HPU by asking what rule book you following. The HPU replies he does not know, which made the spectator aghast. So how did the umpire perform in the game? Being the rule hawk that you are, did you verify all bats, gloves? Did you measure all distance to the bases and rubber? did you make sure each chin strap was on? I think reality is if the girls played ball and had fun, then it was a good day at the diamond. I am curious did you tell your coach to protest the game?
Rules are rules. I don't think any of us have a right to say which are enforced and which are not. IMHO, you should play by the rules all the time. It helps avoid confusion and gives everyone a level playing field.

There is a reason the on-deck hitter must be in front of her own bench. Think about things like sign-stealing, hearing defensive strategies being talked about in the defensive dugout, etc. I always say, stay in your own on-deck circle and pay attention!

I also don't think spectators should approach umpires. A scorekeeper is not to approach one, either.

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