Tryouts over:) Might bore some of you!

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It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Laura "looked good" but I wear the "rose colored daddy glasses". I hope to report good news. Thanks Crankermo ,and I know Brooke had no problem making her team. I wish all the DD's good luck on ther tryouts.


Feb 20, 2012
Congrats! Playing JV is a lot more fun than sitting on the bench at varsity! Being a "floater" she gets to do both!
Apr 1, 2010
Congrats! Playing JV is a lot more fun than sitting on the bench at varsity! Being a "floater" she gets to do both!

Yes, congrats to her! I was thinking, "best of both worlds!" Do the V and JV wear the same uniforms or will she need to keep track of two sets? :-D
Nov 26, 2010
Our tryouts are finally over. DD did great but didn't quite make varsity. They hadn't taken a freshman in 5 years but this year they took 2 after losing some seniors after an undefeated season. Both players played with her last year and are really outstanding. She was named a JV/Varsity floater (one of 2) and will practice once a week with Varsity. Coach told her she was one of the best overall hitting, but his team is pretty stacked with hitters. I showed up in time to video her bounce one off the top of the fence but it's hard to see with the sun in the background. Usually when I tape only bad things happen! He said the other two edged her out because of their speed (both sub 3). There are 2 girls with ankle injuries on varsity and my DD has another week before they will let her run at full speed. He said she will start JV at 3rd base, but would sit behind a senior on varsity.
I thought she would be upset she didn't make Varsity but she was actually thrilled because she will get to do both and get more field time. She has been invited to play with them at a tournament this weekend and he said he may move her up quickly. Anyway, thanks for listening:)

This happened with my dd last year, she went between JV and V and it worked out great. She got to pitch a lot of innings on JV and then went to all the weekend tourneys and joined V full time when the JV schedule was done. She played enough to earn her letter but she got to pitch and also play with her friends. Its not a bad thing for your dd, its even better that she seems to know this as well.
Oct 10, 2011
This happened with my dd last year, she went between JV and V and it worked out great. She got to pitch a lot of innings on JV and then went to all the weekend tourneys and joined V full time when the JV schedule was done. She played enough to earn her letter but she got to pitch and also play with her friends. Its not a bad thing for your dd, its even better that she seems to know this as well.
How much do you need to play to letter? Does going count even if you sit?

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