Toni Paisley & Esia FootDoctor team up

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I ran across this new kind of team up effort on facebook. I really like what I’m seeing from these two. So as DFP member coaches say. “Verify”. I’m trying to verify what they are teaching could be right. I had some doubts about some of Toni’s instructions and then she showed a video of what she was explaining with a live pitch and the ball did exactly what she said it would. As for Esia he is breaking down the pitching motion as to which muscles will give you the most force and what angels the muscles need to be to get optimal force.

My question I guess is. They are teaching the hamstrings and glutes are the power house of the drive and any inward turn of the heel causes an outward turn of the knee that is depriving power from the drive.
I agree and that statement is very vague compared to what Esia is teaching. he even breaks it down to which toes to apply pressure to activate the hamstring And which toes will
contribute to knee turning out. They are very detailed I just hope the information is correct.
Dec 22, 2019
@Laphoneman ; Will you link the video you watched? This is the “hot ticket” at the moment with so many online coaches. I’d love to see!

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I agree and that statement is very vague compared to what Esia is teaching. he even breaks it down to which toes to apply pressure to activate the hamstring And which toes will
contribute to knee turning out. They are very detailed I just hope the information is correct.

You asked for verification that an outward turn of the knee would deprive full power/push on the drive. I gave it to you. If your pitcher is turning shoelaces to the ground straight ahead, everything else, for the most part, should remain in line. I don't understand why nowadays everyone wants to get a degree in kinesiology to give "proper" instruction. Who cares (in a general sense I mean) which muscles pronate or abduct? Do all of these instructors teach their students naked so they can see that the proper muscle groups are activating in the proper sequence? Just because an instructor, be it pitching, hitting, or catching doesn't know this stuff doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing or what's right or wrong with a particular sequence or motion. If a pitching instructor teaches a pitcher to push with all of their toes properly and everything remains in line so that the pitcher remains balanced and gets maximum drive, do they really need to know that the big toe and it's neighbor (as an example) are the ones that activate the hamstring? In other words, you don't need to know how your car's internal combustion engine works in order to put the gear shift in drive and drive it to work and you certainly don't need to know that your camshaft lobes are worn out to know when your engine isn't working properly or efficiently.
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May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
One problem is that there are a lot of good pitchers out there that turn the foot/knee out when they push off, Ueno and Abbot for example.

In general what I see on the Paisley/Esia videos looks fine, however when it comes to what cues to use to teach the movement that you want I have questions. It's one thing to know which muscles are involved in a given movement sequence, it's another to know how to get your student to execute that sequence. "Activate your glutes and hamstrings" won't get it done. They have a bunch of drills that look useful and are aimed at creating the right moves but it's all lower body stuff, not much on the shoulders, arm, wrist and hand. But the pitchers look good except for some excessive glove swim.
There are a lot of free videos on YouTube search esia footdoctor for most of the mechanics. And yocoach just stick to laces to the ground and I’m sure you will be fine.
I just found some instructors teaching a different mechanics that makes since to me and wanted to share or get different coaches opinions on what they are teaching.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
There are a lot of free videos on YouTube search esia footdoctor for most of the mechanics. And yocoach just stick to laces to the ground and I’m sure you will be fine.
I just found some instructors teaching a different mechanics that makes since to me and wanted to share or get different coaches opinions on what they are teaching.
Just so we're on the same page. A) I'm not a pitching instructor although years ago DD wanted to pitch from 11YO to 2nd year 14 and Hillhouse was her PC. We saw him every week for an hour. I am a Throwing/Hitting/Catching instructor as well as a 18 year veteran TB coach. I have studied the Kinesiology behind those motions so B) I understand Instructors studying and learning the Kinesiology aspect of the motion. C) However, some instructors don't want to study this kind of stuff and don't feel the need. That doesn't mean that they don't know what they're doing. Before Kinesiology even became a discipline, great pitching instructors were churning out top D1 pitchers. I seriously doubt you'd say that James, Pauly, Hillhouse, Java, etc. etc. don't know what they're doing because they possibly haven't studied this stuff.

Go to the Hitting technical Forum. Some of the threads over there are so technical, you need a college level anatomy textbook, a dictionary, a kinesiology textbook and 4 hours to understand just one post in a thread that's 127 posts long.

Everything I know about pitching came from either Hillhouse or this site; watching, reading and digesting what I saw and read. Many parents come to this site for the same thing, advice and instruction. The average bucket mom/dad doesn't need to know this stuff and there's no way an average bucket mom/dad is going to go through all of the above to understand it. I suggest we don't turn the pitching forum into that type of forum. To carry on the car analogy, when the car isn't running right, it goes to a knowledgeable mechanic. When DD"s not pitching right, take her to a knowledgeable PC with a proven track record of producing multiple College Pitchers.

ETA: Just a piece of advice...You might want to watch who you poke at...especially when someone like myself has been on here for 10 plus years and has a habit of outright flaming posters that catch us on a bad day.
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Jan 28, 2020
There are a lot of free videos on YouTube search esia footdoctor for most of the mechanics. And yocoach just stick to laces to the ground and I’m sure you will be fine.
I just found some instructors teaching a different mechanics that makes since to me and wanted to share or get different coaches opinions on what they are teaching.
My daughter's pitching coach is a big fan of the foot doctor, she doesn't make it too technical in lesson though. I find a lot of what he says to be confusing, and not sure how exactly to translate to my daughter. I do like the idea of working with your body and hopefully less injury due to proper mechanics.
Feb 25, 2020
Im not sure how important this is.

Lets use Rachel Garcia as an example, she turns her foot a little bit.

Would turning her drive foot less make her more better than changing her rise ball spin from bullet to 11-4? I think that is an easy answer. Spin axis all day.

Edit: I think posterior chain is imperative. But s little foot turn is not the end of the world.
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