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Jun 23, 2013
Okay, so I spent an hour and a half tweaking my DD's throwing mechanics tonight after a couple weeks of reading and re-reading this thread, doing under-the-hood experiments on my own throwing pattern, and trying to sort through all the info, both good and bad. The results were amazing!!

She is a lefty who has been playing TB since she turned 10. She's a pitcher and has honestly probably thrown 10 times underhand to every 1 time overhand. Since she's on 1B when not in the circle, her mediocre throwing ability/mechanics have been low on the priority list of things to work on. That's my fault.

So I started tonight showing her a few of the clips FFS posted in this thread (thanks FFS!!!). I explained what we would be working on and aiming for. She said the gifs really helped her "feel" what she needed to do. So we moved on to Tewks' behind the head drill. Explaining the "back/back" concept to her really helped her understand weight distribution. She has always let her COG get "out front", which causes her to basically spin with very little core and lumbar resistance. She tends to "push" the ball, or throw it like a dart. No pronation of the arm. No rolling the thigh. Not quite as bad as the Tewks girl, but not good either. Anyway, I had a pair of my socks that I rolled into a ball, taped up tight on the ends, and had her throw at a mirror. It took about 30 minutes and she was starting to understand the "feel" of TE. On a side note, working with her reminds me of the old adage: "girls have to feel it to play well; boys have to play well to feel it."

Then we moved on to the water bottle drill. It took less than 5 minutes before she "felt it". She was leading with the elbow, with TE, powerfully whipping the bottle. I took her to the garage and had her throw into the Bownet. Way more powerful and "natural" looking than I've ever seen her throw. I can't believe it!! I am so freaking stoked!! It's after 1:30 in the morning and I can't wait to wake her up and go play catch for real. lol

Many thanks to all the contributors to this thread. Truly a great one.
Oct 21, 2012
Could some one post a video of the water bottle drill with some info of what to do or look for in the drill. I've seen one video , but with no exclamation on what to feel or look for.

Oct 12, 2009
This Explains It

I saw Kansas and Florida play a month ago. Lots of terrible arm actions, especially in catchers. Stuff that baseball pitchers don't even do any more due to injury problems.

Tommy Hanson, Joel Zumaya, etc.

I assume this thread explains some of what I was seeing.

P.S. One of Kansas' catchers had a bad shoulder and had to underhand the ball back to the pitcher while warming her up.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Could some one post a video of the water bottle drill with some info of what to do or look for in the drill. I've seen one video , but with no exclamation on what to feel or look for.





Jun 12, 2015
Throwing is a movement pattern that needs to be taught. Changing the pattern is difficult and can take time, since most girls are often taught incorrectly. The title of this article below was to spark a conversation about wrist flicks but really focuses on proper throwing mechanics. There is some solid content about the throwing motion and a few drills that can help teach the proper patterns.

Why Your Softball Players Have Elbow Pain: Wrist Flick Edition

I found and updated link for this ( but the videos don't show up. I really want to watch the videos. I just see blank space. Anyone know where these are now? Sorry if they're in here somewhere, I only went through the first 3 pages.
Jul 20, 2013
My DD and I have been working Wasserman's High Level Throwing drills for a little over a month now I believe. We're in the off season now so we have time to first warm up with J-bands routine, water bottle drill, SB behind head (seated or kneeling), and usually the kneeling 1/2 turn throw OR the double shuffle drill. So far we've been focusing only on long-arm action since she's been stuck in OF but we'll touch short action soon since she's 2B backup.

Decided to pair the above with the Jaeger Long Toss Program for Softball (offseason).

So far I can see a huge difference in throwing accuracy since starting the HLT for the better. Then with the LT program kind of screwed it up because in the stretch out phase you're throwing on arcs so DD is missing high, which is noted to be expected. We just started the pull down phase into week 3&4 of the LT program so accuracy is supposed to eventually work it's way back in.

I can't tell if the LT program is working as far as adding more velocity to throws since we're still 2-3 weeks from completing the cycle. But now I'm wondering if it's flawed because I stumbled across this article on that says Jaegars long toss causes more injuries due to the extreme distances recommended and positioning of the joint stresses Avoid "Jaeger's PULLDOWN'S". Gain Arm Speed without LONG TOSS | Baseball Rebellion

Any ideas on the throwing methodology to increase velocity if you've read the above article before? Wasserman's patterns are really good, I can see DD has so much better accuracy and the top over bottom spin has come back to her overhand throws (shorter distances) which is what head coach says what you want. But to me the ball gets where it needs to go quickly for the out is all that matters - spin direction I don't care.

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