Thoughts on ongoing injury issue

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
To be honest, the hotter bats is exactly the reason the masks are now a mainstay in the fastpitch game. I honestly don't think the masks would be as popular if the game was played with wood or basic aluminum bats.

Hotter as in a faster exit speed is a popular myth. The max exit speed if anything has gone down. What has changed is the size of the sweet spot resulting in more hard shots resulting in an increase in the number of injuries.
May 16, 2014
In my experience playing 20 or so years ago, I did not see too many line drives to the face or body. I took one off the eye that left me with a little scar, but it was a bad hop. When my daughter began playing 8u, I initially dismissed the suggestion of a fielding mask. When I saw the slowly developing skills of my daughter and the occasional rec kid who could smack the ball, I recognized that my DD could not adequately protect herself. I was starting her early, so putting some additional risk out there. My husband pushed for the mask and I did not protest. The player part of me said, "I never needed a mask and lived just find." The mom part of me says, "why not get her one, it doesn't hurt anything."

On our 8u select team, a few girls have them, but most don't. I know our coach is not a fan, but he doesn't object either. I've never heard any of the girls say anything about them. It seems to be an accepted part of the game in my emerging experience.
Jun 7, 2013
Back in the day (say 1960's), my uncle was a star fastpitch softball player. At this time fastpitch softball was much more popular than slow pitch softball, until the evolution towards slow pitch changed the landscape. During this era, wood bats were used and a softball that, basically, would become mush after a few innings. If you hit a ball for a homerun (240 feet) with this equipment it was quite an accomplishment. At any rate, there was no talk of fielding face masks nor batting helmets and were probably not needed. Today the landscape is quite different and much more dangerous.

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