There’s No Good Reason to Squeeze the Strike Zone

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Sep 22, 2021
Sioux Falls, SD
If that is the rule why is it crazy? Would be like saying I know the book says the line is fair but if it lands on the liune it sould be called foul.
Because armpits is a super high strike target that induces bad umpires are not robots and tend to call wider/taller zones overall. Bottom of sternum to knees is fair in my opinion.
Apr 20, 2018
The NCAA wants it that way. Homeruns and action are far more important to them than strikeouts. I have seen it firsthand when they are going through the umpire recruiting process at big tournaments. The zones are tighter, and the pitchers are having to adjust to it. It actually doesn't bother me as long as they are consistent!!! I do agree that many hitters leave the bat on their shoulder waiting to get ahead in the count as well. I can't tell you how many times I saw college hitters take first pitch strikes down the gut last year.
Watching a little Athletes Unlimited Pro Softball and wow what a tight zone. Pitchers shaking their head. But it makes for a higher scoring game.
Oct 26, 2019
The strike zone discussion makes me think about how the robo umpires MLB debuted in the minors kept having to be tweaked because no one wants it to be called the way the rule book is written.

For example, they adjusted the automated system to call it as it crossed the middle of the plate, as opposed to “any part of the plate” because the system was too good.

Another example - the strike zone is really a cube, but it gets called more round in reality.

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