The Difference A Year Can Make

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Aug 26, 2015
As I sit down sore and tired from another long round of BP, I can't help but think about the difference a year makes. Last year at this time, business was thriving and conversations with DD (8 yo at the time) went something like this:

Me: You've got to pick a sport. Basketball (my preference of course), Soccer, Lacrosse, Softball, Tennis, Track. I don't care. You need to be active and you need to play a sport. Wii Fit Plus does not count!

DD: I don't see why it's that important to do.

Fast forward a year and the business is pretty much tanking this season (and last for that matter) and conversations with DD (now 9 yo) go something like this:

DD: We need to train more. If I'm going to be ready for travel by 12, I have alot more to go.

Me: Ok, but in my head "I don't see why it's that important to do. Wii Fit Plus ain't so bad!"

I'm glad the common thread throughout the differences of the year is that DD and I communicate and I hope that remains the common thread til one of us pass from this life to the next.
Jun 12, 2015
LOL! That's funny. I signed mine up for softball because I figured it'd be a good way to get her some "PE" and make some friends (since we homeschool, we have to be a little more diligent for her to meet kids roughly her own age). I picked softball because her dad loves baseball and I hated all sports equally so I couldn't have cared less which one she played. Looking back on that now is extremely amusing. I still hate most other sports though. ;)
Aug 26, 2015
LOL! That's funny. I signed mine up for softball because I figured it'd be a good way to get her some "PE" and make some friends (since we homeschool, we have to be a little more diligent for her to meet kids roughly her own age). I picked softball because her dad loves baseball and I hated all sports equally so I couldn't have cared less which one she played. Looking back on that now is extremely amusing. I still hate most other sports though. ;)

Softball is the one sport I never imagined. Everyday is like a whirlwind learning about the sport and since I'm a learning addict (can't go to the bookstore without spousal supervision), it's the perfect storm. But hey, as long as she is growing as a person, I'm on board.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Softball is the one sport I never imagined. Everyday is like a whirlwind learning about the sport and since I'm a learning addict (can't go to the bookstore without spousal supervision), it's the perfect storm. But hey, as long as she is growing as a person, I'm on board.

I never, never saw softball coming. Not that I don't like the game. My great-grandfather was an all-American pitcher in the late 1860s, and love of the sport of baseball had carried on through the generations. My father had been a big Brooklyn Dodgers fan, and I remember him taking me to Washington Senators games when I was young, and later on me taking him to Mets games to see Gooden and Strawberry, etc.

I even tried co-ed non-competitive slow pitch for a while, and was the worst player on the team. I have absolutely no hand-eye coordination.

Then, my DD 1 worked out an arrangement. Her BFF was playing softball, and DD 1 wanted to play volleyball. So, they would both play both! I remember taking them from rec league volleyball games to rec league softball games, and often having opponents from one game be teammates for the other, or the other way around.

Thing is, DD 1 was really good at softball. She dragged her siblings into family practices, and DD 3 fell in love with softball. DD 1 quit after a few years, but DD 3 loves the game.

Softball was the LAST sport I would've imagined any of my kids playing.

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