Tennis elbow

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Above all get it fix. DD had an issue with her pivot foot a couple of weeks ago that really screwed her up. Could not push and as a result she unknowingly changed her mechanics. Sent me video and she was a mess with a loss of over 5 mph in speed and poor movement. Team Doc put her on steroids to get the inflammation down and she was good to go by last weekend. Left untreated she would have had a mediocre at best performance and it may have lead to additional injury from the altered mechanics.
Jan 25, 2011
I had it and they went in a cut the tendon from where it was located and reattached it lower. Also same arm had the bicep tendon tear and went in and removed from where it was located and screwed and pinned it to another location. Had all those shots 3 or 4 times never did a thing. good luck
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
I had it and they went in a cut the tendon from where it was located and reattached it lower. Also same arm had the bicep tendon tear and went in and removed from where it was located and screwed and pinned it to another location. Had all those shots 3 or 4 times never did a thing. good luck

Man, I don't want to hear or think about that just yet ! Went through that with my left knee a couple of years ago, that Summer sucked bad !
Oct 1, 2014
I'm suffering from the same thing right now, started about 3 or 4 months ago. It's finally begun to fade but doesn't take much to cause it to flare back up again. Luckily I have 12U twins, one that catches and one pitching so my workload behind the plate isn't too bad. Helping to break in a new glove for my catcher hasn't helped and I'm sure my form and habits behind the plate caused some stress to the tendons. Our pitching coach just laughed at me when he saw me trying to work through it. Ice has helped along with the Icy Hot and BioFreeze creme. The Doc recommended some PT stretches that may be helping also. Like AnnasDad said the pain went from 0 to 100 when it first getting old!
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Couple thoughts. 1. Don't set a target like you're making a stop sign (i.e., with a 90 degree angle between your forearm and the back of the hand); keeping your glove hand relaxed w/ the wrist neutral will limit the initial stress on that tendon (particularly when you are sitting on a bucket and trying to give a low target!). 2. Learn to catch with your opposite handed. 3) Recruit a real catcher - they can always use receiving practice and develop greater familiarity with their pitchers.

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