Teacherman? and fastpitch

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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Notice how his hands get to the fully loaded position before he moves forward. His leg is up his hands are loaded and then he advances forward. ABAF. He is creating stretch but that stretch in the frontal plane.

I don’t see any stretching as he goes forward. Like you said ABAF, just releases the spirals, or never coils in the first place. The load is into his back leg (ABAF) instead of around.
Dec 7, 2019
My DD's hitting coach made a huge change to her stride this fall. He has her start her stride as soon as there is movement of the ball and glove. Her foot is down very early, and all she has to do once the ball is released is fire her hips. I hated it at first, but let them figure it out and so far so good.
Mar 19, 2009
Southern California
Letting the pitcher dictate your AB vs beating the the pitcher to your position.

Sorry Tango for hijacking you thread but like most that involves TM it’s probably going to happen but everyone is playing nice and I for one appreciate that.

If the described way of being ready is flawed or a better way is available please share. I’m committed to being a lifelong learner.
Dec 5, 2017
Sorry Tango for hijacking you thread but like most that involves TM it’s probably going to happen but everyone is playing nice and I for one appreciate that.

If the described way of being ready is flawed or a better way is available please share. I’m committed to being a lifelong learner.
The Betts clip posted in #41. Imo. I never chime in on the technical hitting forum, or rarely at least, because I don't claim to be a hitting expert. I do however know what I see and it ain't what TM says is happening most of the time. Just listened to him say that hitters that retract their scap get stuck back and can't shift forward. Complete nonsense. Load and wait? Really? Looks like a fluid, continuous motion to me if there is any stride at all. Maybe the folks that just do a heel drop are "waiting" more and are closer to what he describes but to say that's the only way is wrong.


Mar 11, 2010
Sorry Tango for hijacking you thread but like most that involves TM it’s probably going to happen but everyone is playing nice and I for one appreciate that.

If the described way of being ready is flawed or a better way is available please share. I’m committed to being a lifelong learner.

Mike, sorry I thinks its been discussed lots over the years.. Some of us have been stating up front actions which allows the move out and coil to be natural.. hitting is all about balance and that starts up front. Balanced actions up front allows for balanced reactions while moving forward towards the pitcher into a leveraged position.

That is if the core is the driver and not the rear leg, which is why I have always said the patterns aren't compatible.

Get these UFAs correct and everything else has a chance to fall int place naturally.

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Jun 8, 2016
I know I said I wouldn't chime in, and I know this like saying ice cream is good, but TM's capitalized comment in the first post in the thread is correct and is a big issue for many young hitters. While I don't think be "perfectly" loaded at pitch release is optimal (because of the way muscles work), and don't teach that to Marcela, it does make the timing of everything easier. If you look at the differences between Trout and Betts, Betts' "load" is lot more continuous whereas Trout gets a lot more "loaded" earlier and then has a bit of additional (stretch reflex??) once he launches.
Oct 26, 2019
I don’t know what camp I fell into (or if I even have a camp) as a hitter. I know when I faced faster pitching and I felt pressed to be on time my adjustment was getting my front foot down a little earlier. I knew I couldn’t swing with my front foot in the air and I felt like that help me be on time. Conversely, I think the opposite approach helped me hit those pesky soft tossing lefties.

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