speed check.

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Well I'll time my girls again next practice since you guys have me curious now.

Just to make sure I am doing it right do you just have them start in the right handed batters box standing up then start your watch once they go (I would think that would be most accurate since you don't want to start it by saying go since there would be a lag).

JAD just curious what the home to home speeds look like, most of my girls where in the 13's.....I had my son (23 YOA and was pretty quick back when he played BB run it for fun but he is now admittedly not in shape and he ran a 11.9 and seemed fast but maybe just compared to all my slow girls). I actually ran home to home myself and for a 47 YOA was fairly proud since I beat all my girls at 13.1 (I had two girls at 13.2) I was in blue jeans and sneakers so I am thinking shorts and cleats I could break 13 but probably won't try it again since I am pretty sure I pulled something along the way :)


Feb 20, 2012
JAD just curious what the home to home speeds look like, most of my girls where in the 13's.....

14U A-level TB
under 12 seconds - lighting fast
12.0-12.4 seconds - fast
12.5-13.0 seconds - average
13.1-13.5 seconds - slow
13.6+ seconds - really slow
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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Has anyone ever timed the h to 1b time with a running start? Meaning the kids back is on the backstop and she starts sprinting, as soon as she crosses the plate, then start the clock.


Feb 20, 2012
Again just want to make sure whether we are talking standing start or swing then go which is what I have been doing.

Those times are a standing "runners stance" start at home plate. We found that timing girls with a similuated swing caused too much variation in the times caused by the swing itself. Some girls took a "full swing", while others just gave a 1/4 swing threw the bat down and ran, so we decided just to do all of our times from a standing start.
IMO everyone times batters in a different way, ive seen girls that have been timed by there coaches and when i time them from when the ball hits the bat until the runners foot hits the bag my times are slower than the times the coaches had for each girl. If you think about it, it really doesnt matter how fast you are from a running start....because that isnt how your going to come out of the box.....what it will tell you is which of your girls are faster than the other girls. My DD is anywhere from 2.8 to 2.85 from the left side and this is slapping, timing as I described above. Hitting away from the left she is 3.0 to 3.1
Jul 17, 2012
Timing the girls is an awesome motivation to improve base running efficiency. That said, it is an absolute waste of time if you measure it in ANY way other than from contact after a swing. I did it with my daughter's LL Major division team and sub 3 is unheard of. Have 1 coach toss the ball to them, and start the clock at the crack of the bat. For 12U, anything under 4 is OK. 3.5 is a very good time. Anything under 3.5 is great release technique, combined with good speed. Timing them from a stance is meaningless. Just means they are fast. You should be interested in technique. After all, you want to get a realistic baseline speed in a real game scenario. This trains them NOT to admire their hit as if taking a picture, but rather hit the ball and get on their toes. When did you ever stand at home plate and run to first without having to swing at and hit a ball?

Another interesting measure of "Softball Speed" is "steal time". Teaching them to leave at the pitchers release. Measure 1st to second time with a slide into second. Use a pitcher and start the clock at the pitchers release and measure to base touch with a slide. Teaches them NOT to slow down into the slide as well.
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